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GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />1997 SESSION <br />S.L. 1997 -37 <br />HOUSE BILL 740 <br />AN ACT TO 'ASSIST THE JOHNSTON COL:\.7Y BOARD OF EDUCATION <br />WITH THE EXPEDITING OF PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES. <br />Whereas, Johnston County is faced with the critical need for school <br />facilities created by an unusual growth in student population: and <br />Whereas, the Johnston County Boa-z4 of Education and the Johnston <br />County Board of Commissioners have jointly approved and funded a School <br />Facilities 2000 building program; and <br />Whereas, the Johnston County Board of Education, faced with the critical <br />need for school facilities, has implemented a model facilities plan using the Unitary <br />System Approach (USA) to design school facilities that are educationally effective <br />-and economically efficient; and <br />Whereas, the Johnston County Board of Education has competitively bid <br />the USA school design under the separate prime bid laws of North Carolina and has <br />developed certain cost parameters based on this USA concept: and <br />Whereas, the Johnston Counttiā€¢ Board of Education desires to explore <br />alternative approaches to expedite the construction of school facilities that could <br />assist in meeting the critical need for school facilities; and <br />Whereas, the General Assembly reaffirms its commitment to enhance <br />public education and to encourage innovation by public officials in meeting the <br />critical need for school facilities; Now, therefore, <br />The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br />Section 1. Notwithstanding the pro ,.isions of Article 8 of Chapter 143 of <br />the General Statutes, the Johnston County Board of Education may select and <br />negotiate with separate prime coat- actors to build the Unitary System Approach <br />(USA) model school plan if the Johnston County Board of Education determines that <br />using the selection and negotiations processes instead of competitive bidding will <br />expedite the project, create an effective construction team, and control costs, quality, <br />and schedule. <br />Section 2. This act shall apply to construction of an elementary school at <br />McGee's Crossroads, an elementary school in Benson, and an elementary /middle <br />school in West Johnson County. The Johnson County Board of Education shall <br />report to the General Assembly the net price per square foot for each project at the <br />completion of each project. <br />Section 3. This act is effective when it becomes law and expires on June <br />30, ? CGO. <br />In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 24th day of <br />April, 1997. <br />s/ Dennis A. Wicker <br />President of the Senate <br />s/ Harold J. Brubaker <br />Speaker of the House of Representatives <br />