Orange County NC Website
I <br />IITARY SYSTEMS APPROACH <br />HOOL DESIGNS <br />boil haTitia r-pie a w the no riSh A apt@&= of <br />woes► ad do pAk has bemwe mere red above <br />design. buid ad mr p them ladb s. Seen the <br />xd for sdhod fadik in bas ,serer been a were <br />s tin for efecW Ad* a eow alrhma 1 approaches <br />imy of sdmd fadli w The go" Sysws Approach <br />a alteramre se odd a deicer sdml fames that an <br />hafly dtd" and oaeewialy eid"L <br />tit Witacy Sysow App uch it bated M a simple <br />..a ahnpreerad q%ow Wnradoe of staadard bump <br />e a weds sdnol pear. The key dowent it this appradh <br />krdepmeit of standard Waft ink that inmrpasa <br />l lthhun ntatherds and wetheds, e:inO snte d the act <br />ir ac�.afoo. these ewe =.easi nteddid for difrM <br />Efar :sheer desip mist be w hire, sit eefr to <br />Mal prepm oeds, bolt afw a the met of opendens ad <br />hang Sinn so to 90% of the ace is tatepayess ova the <br />it lk of a sdml omQ after R is ceraarhme' The USA <br />;ewV dkm6W ad cadmical rpm <br />tea* maiiaine I <br />EM FEATURES <br />ws eadh Sdmi Sysaw a devdep their on p"" <br />h, based on their evade needs. <br />#ts to Now sites withoet cosily ad him maowiq w <br />wades a spa approach ad edy a desip but also <br />atSnctioa <br />eshead mom phdun slew amoea aces: a meclmial, <br />staid, aid tadoft egeiphreit with a dpi um of iabtai0i <br />wa. W=ce std" <br />oxides safe nbge to sadenes ad staff 6* severe storm <br />ididaa. <br />utary aompooeits, as seN moained Wdia an be isolated <br />r use after bars, aid do cot n* apensire law boor <br />walls and dons. <br />vWes a simple, pitched roof " that will last the We d <br />it bt Mog. <br />siple desip is cost e&c&t with No sacda in polity of <br />tateriaii. Designs are attru " to bidders. ad bid results <br />n mac prtdimWe. <br />The Unary System Approach is mrrently beiig used and <br />,ned for use in Greene. Johnston, Jones. Pulko and Pitt <br />CASE HISTORY: <br />JOHNSTON COUNTY'S MODEL <br />K -S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <br />The Ilodd IFS Elam oaq School in *M coeegr, <br />wing the UvitarP Sysuas App tech. vas bid in qving 1996 ad <br />is mtteWy hw er mamctisL Desigod for 7SO smdues ad <br />14959 squate feet; this sdml irides a saa of the <br />art te&ft sysant, a my watewenc awd symo and <br />a feu pipe medhari A :Phew wig castaoonhs separudy beued <br />ad coded. <br />BID SUMMARY <br />SITE UMPIM costs <br />and <br />.wr ko a $326.5 s414nf <br />u -sac onomw Co. Wba nwa <br />WWNG CONSiSUCTION COSTS <br />Genaal Cossowion $ 1,713,100 S4UYsf <br />hnidta low deco Cansaamiu► Co. <br />Medhaniad Councion <br />WAC Spann $ 747.700 S9,T2/Sf <br />Eftfu Man went System $ f IS,27S 51.50 /sf <br />Ctw2l Haag E Air CeneEOimg Gesorr <br />sKtdd Coaartct6o <br />lath ask lee. Greets* $ 541,100 $729/d <br />PTabiog Counction <br />9rarmo odc fftrnhing Co. Wren $ 234,000 53.04 /sf <br />MUL SUADING COSTS $ 5,311,115 S69.30ld <br />MMEN EQUIPMENT COSTS <br />litehen Equi vent aid Instdation $ 177,695 jZ31 /st <br />Noigameq Gnea / Edhrard Dos Ra/ergd <br />