Orange County NC Website
14 Allocation on per student or teacher basis <br />15 Local Salary Supplement - New State Teachers <br />16 One additional teacher asst. position <br />Teacher Assistants for 2nd graders due to State Reduced Class <br />16.1 Sizes <br />Additional Teachers: <br />17 One ESL teacher (41,600) <br />18 One ESL teacher (41,600) <br />Adaptive PE position (41,600) <br />19 Spec Ed Resource Teacher East CH High School (41,600) <br />20 Special Ed Teacher for Autistic Classroom (41,600) <br />21 Pre - school Handicapped Teacher (41,600) <br />22 Exceptional Education contracted services (50,000) <br />24 Level 1 Expenditures Is <br />Level 2 - Inflation and Mandates <br />25 State Salary increases for Teachers (6 %) <br />26 Salary increases for other employees (4 %) <br />Contingency Fund for Legislative Uncertainty <br />27 Utilities (request based on 10% increase) <br />28 4% Increase non - personnel items <br />29 Postage Rate Increase of 10% <br />30 High School Increase for postage and office expenses <br />31 elementary student /$14 for middle /$15 high <br />Continued Support for Pay for Performance Plan <br />32 State Mandated Salary Increases from 1996 -97 <br />33 <br />34 Level 2 Expenditures $ <br />Page 2 <br />Chapel HiAlCarrboro City Schools <br />23 <br />25 <br />394,7001 $ <br />581, <br />192, <br />175, <br />152, <br />5, <br />4, <br />30, <br />20, <br />34, <br />Approved <br />8 <br />60 <br />(5, <br />263,000 <br />218,78 <br />61,00 <br />279,782 <br />0I ** <br />0 ** <br />0 ** <br />0 <br />41,600 <br />In Qnn ** <br />41,60 <br />41,60 <br />50,00 <br />195,600 <br />Reference -I% <br />581,000 <br />192,000 <br />100,000 <br />91,282 <br />76,250 5% increase <br />0 2% inflation <br />4,500 mid 1998 <br />30,000 ** <br />20,0001** <br />1,195,200 1 $ 1,095,032 <br />315198 <br />Requested <br />6 Loss in Tuition for Employees living out of district <br />8,000 <br />7 Loss in Indirect Costs for Outreach programs <br />60,000 <br />8 Increase in Delinquent Taxes <br />(5,000) <br />9 Loss in Current Expense Due to Charter Schools <br />256,608 <br />10 <br />Total Revenue /Fund Balance Decreases <br />$ 419,608 <br />$ <br />Revenue Increases <br />11 <br />Increase in District Tax over 1996 -97 Appropriation (1) <br />167,806 <br />11.1 <br />Inventory Tax for 1997 -98 <br />13 <br />Total Revenue Increases <br />$ 167,806 <br />$ <br />Pvp _ :rnwt <br />14 Allocation on per student or teacher basis <br />15 Local Salary Supplement - New State Teachers <br />16 One additional teacher asst. position <br />Teacher Assistants for 2nd graders due to State Reduced Class <br />16.1 Sizes <br />Additional Teachers: <br />17 One ESL teacher (41,600) <br />18 One ESL teacher (41,600) <br />Adaptive PE position (41,600) <br />19 Spec Ed Resource Teacher East CH High School (41,600) <br />20 Special Ed Teacher for Autistic Classroom (41,600) <br />21 Pre - school Handicapped Teacher (41,600) <br />22 Exceptional Education contracted services (50,000) <br />24 Level 1 Expenditures Is <br />Level 2 - Inflation and Mandates <br />25 State Salary increases for Teachers (6 %) <br />26 Salary increases for other employees (4 %) <br />Contingency Fund for Legislative Uncertainty <br />27 Utilities (request based on 10% increase) <br />28 4% Increase non - personnel items <br />29 Postage Rate Increase of 10% <br />30 High School Increase for postage and office expenses <br />31 elementary student /$14 for middle /$15 high <br />Continued Support for Pay for Performance Plan <br />32 State Mandated Salary Increases from 1996 -97 <br />33 <br />34 Level 2 Expenditures $ <br />Page 2 <br />Chapel HiAlCarrboro City Schools <br />23 <br />25 <br />394,7001 $ <br />581, <br />192, <br />175, <br />152, <br />5, <br />4, <br />30, <br />20, <br />34, <br />Approved <br />8 <br />60 <br />(5, <br />263,000 <br />218,78 <br />61,00 <br />279,782 <br />0I ** <br />0 ** <br />0 ** <br />0 <br />41,600 <br />In Qnn ** <br />41,60 <br />41,60 <br />50,00 <br />195,600 <br />Reference -I% <br />581,000 <br />192,000 <br />100,000 <br />91,282 <br />76,250 5% increase <br />0 2% inflation <br />4,500 mid 1998 <br />30,000 ** <br />20,0001** <br />1,195,200 1 $ 1,095,032 <br />315198 <br />