Orange County NC Website
El <br />Overall Improvements <br />The best indicators of success for our district relate to student achievement. Under <br />the State's ABC plan, our schools fared very well. Nine of our ten elementary and middle <br />schools had exemplary gains on state tests that measure reading, math, and writing <br />performance. Eight of these schools were recognized as Schools of Excellence. <br />We gave the Metropolitan Achievement Tests this fall and scores increased in this <br />area as well (see attached chart). Students in our district, on the average, scored between <br />the 73rd and 87th percentile. Most scores were higher than last year's. <br />We had the best opening of school this year that we have ever had. This is <br />attributable, in part, to the summer contracts issued and some increases in personnel. <br />We are proud of the advances that our school district has made in recent years and <br />are extremely grateful to the County Commissioners for their support in providing the <br />funding that is making this possible. <br />