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3 <br />$27,000 was budgeted for planning for year -round schools under the <br />assumption that a year -round school would open in 1998 -99. No school has plans to <br />convert to a year -round schedule next year; however, it is quite likely that the Southern <br />Village elementary school will have a different schedule in 1999 -00. None of these funds <br />have yet been expended, but they still are available for planning purposes, even for the new <br />elementary school. <br />$5,000 was budgeted for screening volunteers' driver licenses and <br />criminal records. This is required by Board policy for volunteers who participate in <br />higher risk activities. <br />$83,200 was budgeted to employ half -time enrichment teachers in four <br />elementary schools. This is the second year of a three -year plan for phasing in expanded <br />enrichment services. At this time two of the four positions have been filled. We are now <br />able to serve students in the lower grades and support teachers in their efforts to <br />differentiate in the regular classroom. <br />$52,300 was budgeted to begin an alternative school for students who have had <br />severe behavior problems. This was to be a joint effort with Orange County Schools. The <br />OCS, subsequently, informed us that they had not budgeted funds for this purpose and, <br />therefore, could not support a school this year. Furthermore, OCS indicated that it was <br />interested in locating the school north of Hillsborough. Consequently, our plans were <br />changed to open a school on our own. The alternative school will operate this year at <br />Lincoln Center for the second semester. We are just beginning to screen students. We <br />expect that this program will help prevent students from dropping out and will enhance the <br />climate in our existing high schools and middle schools. <br />Increased Support for Teachers, Administrators, and Other Staff <br />Several items in this section were intended to improve working conditions for <br />staff and correct inequities in the allocation of personnel. These include a half- <br />time foreign language teacher allocated to McDougle Elementary due to it being under - <br />allocated the first year; increasing support for elementary science specialist positions to <br />half -time; extending secretaries', counselors', and exceptional education coordinators' <br />contracts into or through the summer in recognition of the time required of these personnel; <br />raising the minimum local teacher supplement to 5 %; reducing the pupil teacher ratio <br />slightly at the high schools; and adjusting the formula for allocating cultural arts funds. <br />A study of administrative salaries is underway and will be completed by the <br />end of March, 1998. <br />An additional position was created in the Human Resources Office to recruit <br />and support teachers. This was the first professional level position added to that <br />department in ten years. During that time, the number of staff has increased by more than <br />50 %. <br />$15,000 also was allocated to employ an assistant bus foreman on a part -time <br />basis. Transportation is another area that has grown by leaps and bounds. We opened the <br />year with the best transportation services in our history although we are experiencing <br />problems now due to illnesses and resignations. <br />