Agenda - 03-11-1998 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-11-1998
Agenda - 03-11-1998 - 3
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2 <br />An additional autistic teacher was added. Below is a record of enrollment of <br />autistic students for the past five years: <br />1997 -98 51 <br />1996 -97 47 <br />1995 -96 37 <br />1994 -95 25 <br />1993 -94 25 <br />The contracted special education services budget was increased by $50,000 <br />because the budget was running a deficit in past years. This budget line also is used to <br />support extended year programs for exceptional education students who are legally entitled <br />to such services. The number of students enrolled in this summer program has increased <br />from 6 to 54 since 1991. Last summer these 54 students were served in ten classes and <br />received all the necessary related therapeutic services. <br />Expenditures Due to Inflation and Salary Enhancement <br />Salary increases, as mandated by the state, were granted: $581,000 for teachers <br />and $192,000 for classified staff. <br />Other inflationary expenses included $91,282 for utilities, $76,250 (2%) <br />inflationary increase, $4,500 for high school office supplies and postage, $30,000 for <br />copier maintenance, and $20,000 for Pay for Performance. <br />Previous Commitments <br />Three teacher assistants were added to provide an assistant for each second <br />grade teacher. During the previous year, the state had provided teachers to reduce the class <br />size for second grades from 26 to 23 but did not provide assistants for the additional <br />classes generated by the reduction. <br />$28,000 was added to the AVID budget. AVID (Advancement Via Individual <br />Determination) is a program aimed at students, most of whom are African- American, who <br />have the potential to complete a rigorous, college -prep curriculum, including honors and <br />accelerated courses but may not be challenging themselves sufficiently. AVID was <br />expanded at both high schools and to McDougle Middle School and, unofficially, to <br />Culbreth. The total number of AVID students in the district increased this year from 39 to <br />101. Our school district is one of three pilot sites in the state. <br />AVID students are beginning to build a solid history of success. Of the 15 eighth <br />grade students at McDougle Middle, five are taking Algebra I and four were on the honor <br />roll for the first semester. Among the 24 East Chapel Hill High School AVID students, six <br />students are enrolled in eight honors or AP classes and four were on the honor roll for the <br />first semester. At CHHS, where 60 students are participating in AVID, 16 students are <br />enrolled in honors English, 11 students are taking AP U.S. History, and three students are <br />taking pre - calculus. Although only two students were on the honor roll, ten more missed <br />by only one class. <br />$35,000 was provided for collecting and assessing feedback on the district, <br />schools, and individual teachers. The teacher surveys were administered in December and <br />the Gordon Black surveys will be administered in February. Obviously, since results are <br />not yet available, we do not have any results to report. <br />
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