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September 1998 will be the basis of the 1999-2009 Capital Improvements Plan. These <br />percentages will be rounded to one decimal place. <br />Impact fees will be projected and allocated to each school system, although these fees may be <br />used to pay debt service. When impact fees are used to pay debt service, the equivalent amount <br />of the projected impact fee will be allocated to each school system. For the first three years of <br />the planning period (1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000) impact fees are dedicated to the cost of <br />the new schools. <br />All funds allocated to capital projects are to be accounted for in a Capital Project Fund under <br />a Project Ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners. The Project Ordinance will <br />include a detailed break down of each cost category related to the project, as outlined in the <br />Sample Capital Project Ordinance at Attachment 1, which is incorporated by reference into <br />this policy. Whenever County or School project bids exceed budget or come in lower than <br />projected, or any other factor affecting the project budget occurs, County departments or the <br />school systems would be expected to present revised capital project ordinances for adoption by <br />the Board of Commissioners. <br />D. Funding Levels <br />It is the intent of the Board of Commissioners to "hold harmless" School projects and County <br />projects as identified by the amount of funding projected in the 1996-2006 Capital <br />Improvements Plan. To achieve this intention, the following funding options will be used: <br />• The difference between the amount of general obligation debt service payments <br />at the peak year of the debt schedule and the actual debt service payment will be <br />earmarked for the Orange County Schools until the time that any shortfall that <br />would have been realized by that system is made up. <br />• For County projects, beginning in 1998-99 the equivalent of one cent on the <br />general fund property tax rate will be necessary. The Board of Commissioners in <br />adopting this policy instructed staff to identify other funding options rather than a <br />tax increase to make up this shortfall. The Board of Commissioners may <br />consider shifting the one cent capital reserve fund to be dedicated to County <br />projects (see Capital Reserve section below). <br />E. SchooUParks Capital Reserve <br />The schooUparks capital reserve fund, established by the Board of Commissioners in 1995- <br />96, receives annual allocations equivalent to one cent on the General Fund Property Tax <br />Rate (not adjusted for the 1997 revaluation of property but adjusted for revaluation of real <br />property beyond the 1997 revaluation.) This reserve will accumulate during 1996-97 and <br />1997-98 with these funds used for site acquisition for schools and or recreation, or the <br />combination of both. The Board of Commissioners will evaluate this reserve fund during <br />1998-99 to determine if this one cent reserve should continue. <br />F. School/Parks/Recreation <br />It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners to evaluate each new proposed school in both <br />School Districts for joint use to include park and recreation use. . <br />