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<br />,; <br />other areas. He asked that a map be prepared showing where the lines iiii~~~ <br />and the capacity of each line: <br />Chair Marshall asked that this map be prepared for review by the <br />Planning Board and be made a part of their recommendation. <br />- Collins noted that the pump station in Wildwood and the one at Wilmore <br />are connected by a force main which does have the capacity to serve the <br />additional units proposed in Section IV of Wildwood. The consulting <br />engineer for Hillsborough calculated out what the excess capacity was at <br />those facilities. In calculating the excess capacity, he projected a 250 <br />unit buildout for Wildwood Subdivision. An R-3 rezoning would mean a <br />buildout of approximately 243 units. The capacity is available for this <br />development. However, there is no additional capacity for the <br />Meadowlands. The projection includes the capacity for a 60- unit motel <br />site on NC86 which is part of the occoneechee Point Project which has not <br />yet been approved by the Board. <br />A member of the Homeowners Association commented about the lack of <br />public restrooms at the construction site. The State Health Department <br />requires bathroom facilities to be available. He asked that this be <br />investigated. He made comments about the high water bills and noted that <br />the people in this area cannot vote for members of the Hillsborough Town <br />Board and have no one to hear their complaints. <br />Chair Marshall explained that the water and ,sewer .system is. to be <br />self-supporting and those people who receive these services are being <br />charged an amount which assures the system be self-supporting. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if the Health Department could look into <br />the concern expressed about the lack of restrooms at the construction site <br />and._Commiss~ioner Carey indicated they would. <br />Alan Fuller asked about the extent of the investigation into the <br />_ drainage problems and asked if this report would address the runoff as <br />well and Chair Marshall indicated it would.- <br />WITH NO FURTHER COMMENTS, THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to refer the rezoning request to the Planning Board for a <br />recommendation to be received on August 3, 1987. _ <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />D. RESOLUTIONS OR PROCLAMATIONS <br />1. Human Relations Commission (Copy of resolution and charge are in <br />the permanent agenda file in the Clerks office.) <br />Commissioner Carey presented a proposal to form an orange County <br />Human Relations Commission and stated it was in response to recent events <br />associated with the Klan march in Chapel Hill. The goal of this <br />Commission will be to work on human relations and mutual understanding and <br />tolerance in Orange County on a year round basis. The scope of <br />discrimination is very broad and is to include all forms of <br />discrimination. He asked that the resolution and charge be approved by <br />the Board. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the County Attorney report back <br />to the Board if it is legal to charge a group the cost for police pro- <br />tection in situations that may endanger lives of citizens in the County. <br />Joe Hertzenberg stated agreement with the proposal with one <br />addition to the charge that would make an exclusive reference to gay <br />people. He suggested that sexual orientation be added to the last as <br />contained in item five under the title of Duties. <br />Macastuis Martinus asked that the Commission include <br />discrimination to handicapped children. He asked that the charge be <br />strong enough to actually allow the issues to be addressed.. <br />Commissioner Carey indicated the Commission would not enforce laws <br />