1998 S HR&R - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Modification to contract with 03-17-1998-8b
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1998 S HR&R - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Modification to contract with 03-17-1998-8b
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7/20/2010 12:43:28 PM
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3. All charges submitted for credit under this contract shall be completed by the: <br />.. Gontractorbetween October~l,, 19~~'anti Septerretrer 3p, t998,.~s #ollows: ~ ' ' ' <br />a. All charges will be evaluated and.determinationg made in accordance <br />. with the theories, of discrimination in employment as developed under • <br />'. Title VII of the 'Civil •Rights Act of 1964; as ~arriended the .Age <br />. ~ Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as~amended, 'and the <br />Americans with Disabilities Act, as appropriate. <br />- b. Investigation and resolution of individual charges pursuant to this <br />contract shall be conducted in a manner designed to effectuate relief for <br />the charging party and shall be carried out as expeditiously as possible. <br />c. All final actions, litigation and intake services for which payment is <br />requested under this contract will be processed and awarded contract <br />credit,. in compliance with EEOC Order 916 {or the new State and Local <br />Handbook when issued), the ADA Technical Assistance Manual for ADA <br />charges, and the Worksharing Agreement. <br />d. Contract credit submissions will include final dispositions of charges (i.e. <br />final actions). When administrative appeal rights exist, the final <br />disposition of a charge occurs only after the time for appeal has expired <br />or the appeal has been processed to completion. In cases where the <br />administrative appeal has been processed, the date of the notice of-the <br />final result of the appeal is the operative date. This applies in all cases <br />where an administrative appeal is provided, whether the case is <br />administratively resolved, dismissed, decided, or when no cause is <br />found. For Title VII charges only, the fifteen day period during which <br />Substantial Weight Review may be requested and/or the period during <br />which a Substantial Weight Review is conducted is not considered for <br />the purposes of computing the operative date of the final disposition of a <br />charge. <br />e. Contract credit submissions that are not final dispositions will include: <br />1) Charges to be litigated by the Contractor where EEOC receives copies <br />of the complaints bearing confirmation of the filing dates with the Court, <br />or other appropriate official confirmation of the filing dates of the <br />complaints; 2) Certain types of charges that must. be transferred to the <br />EEOC that are not final actions by the Contractor, as specified in EEOC <br />Order 916 (or the new State and Local Handbook when issued); and 3) <br />Intake services by the Contractor where EEOC accepts for processing a <br />charge initially filed but not jurisdictional with the Contractor, or any <br />other FEP Agency, and for which the Contractor has prepared all charge <br />intake documentation, inclpding a complete affidavit, as required by the <br />EEOC. In addition, contract credit for intake services will be given when <br />EEOC accepts for processing• a charge initially filed with but not <br />jurisdictional with the Contractor, and the Contract Monitor determines <br />and justifies that there is a need to service charging parties who live at <br />great distances from an EEOC or State FEP Agency office. <br />C-4 <br />
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