Orange County NC Website
,v <br />Y~~A <br />We build strong kids, <br />strong families, strong communities. <br />THE CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO YMCA <br />51,500,000 Capital Campaign- MAKE ROOM FOR MORE <br />We support the commitment of the Chapel Bill-Caaboro YMCA to increase interior and ea~terior spaces for expanded <br />programs for the youth and families of our community through the expansion and renovation of the Airport Road <br />facilities. We wish to offer a commitment of our own. <br />Name <br />Address <br />phone home <br />phone ofFice <br />City State Zip <br />Pledge S Amount Enclosed S <br />Please deduct my pledge from my checking account. S per month. Begin deducting on and end on <br />. (Attach a voided check) <br />Please charge my pledge to my <br />card number <br />VISA or Mastercard <br />expiration date <br />Please bill me for my pledge to be paid over the following years: <br />1997 1948 1999 2000 2001 <br />(available far pledges in excess of 51000) <br />My company matches my wntribution_yes no <br />~Y~> mY cemP~Y's name <br />address <br />Signature <br />Date <br />Please make checks payable to Chapel Hill Canboro YMCA Capital Campaign. Your gift is a charitable contribution. <br />Mail to: Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA Capital Campaign P.O. Box 13A Carrboro, N.C. 27510 •(919) 932-2029 <br />I give the YMCA permission to publically recognize my gift <br />ves no <br />My gift is in memory or honor of <br />Please contact me regarding the YMCA's Endowment Fund or Planned Giving. <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA • 980 Airport Road Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27~ 14 <br />919-942-51.16 Fax: 919-942-02.6 <br />Tu pw c hri~tian principles into practice duou:{h prn~rani. that build a healthk .pint. min<(. and b<x(~~ I~>r.~Ii. <br />