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36 <br />RESOLUTION A <br />RESOLL.rTIONS OF THE ORANGE COVINTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Date: <br />Nana of'Subdivision: Lniversity Manor. Phase I <br />O% ner`Applicant: Key West Enterpri%es. Inc.'.Sanford Bailey <br />RcccW,;ttian of Subdivision Approval <br />WHEREAS, a reguest has been tiled by the 0% ner' '-_applicant to revoke the December 19. <br />1995 approval of the preliminary plan for Lniversity Manor, Phan; I ax wt out in the resolution <br />adopted by the Board of Commissioners on that date and as incorporated in the plats entitled "Water <br />Line Easement and Open Space Plat. tTnivcssity Manor, Phase I" recorded at Plat Book 77, Page 191, <br />the plats entitled "Final Plat of Univcnuhy Manor, Phase I, Section I" recorded at Plat Book 78. Pages <br />28 and 29, Change County Registry and the Declaration of Development Restrictions and <br />Requircra ms recorded at Plat Book 1572. Page 536 and to relieve the County and the <br />Ch ner`.Apphcant of all requirements and conditions set out in the resolution and the Declaration of <br />Development Restrictions and Requirements; anti, <br />W liFREAS, The Board of Commissioners has determined that it should grant the request <br />except as it pertains to the Conservation Fawcnnent gamed to the County in the document rccordcd at <br />Book 1572. Page 555, Orange County Registry, and shown on the plats recorded at Plat Boot. 77, <br />Page 191 and Plat l3ook 78. Pages 28 and 29. Orange County Registry which the County -.%]QwK to <br />retain-, <br />HE IT RESOLVED that 'The Board of Commissioners hereby revokes its De xmhcz 19, 1995 <br />approval of the preliminary plan for University Manor, PhM- I ax set out in its resolution of that date <br />and declares the plat entitled "Water r.inr F.asc mmt and Open Space Plat, 1Jni%•(,rsity Manor, Masr I" <br />recorded at Plat Book 77, Page 191, the plats entitled "Final Plat of University Manor. Phase I. <br />Section 1" recorded at Plat Book 78, Pages 28 and 29, (hangs Counh. Registry and the Declaration of <br />M%cloptrnnt Rcstrictions and Requirements recorded at Plat Book 1572. Page 536 null and void and <br />relieves the applicanVowner of all requirements and cm&tiorrs set out in the resolution and the <br />Declaration of Development Reatriciiorm and RequirLincxcts except for the Comerva6on Easrrrn'nt <br />granted to Orange County by University Manor Homeowners Asrcociation. Inc, as required in the <br />resolution and as sho%vn on the plats recorded at Plat Book 77, Page 191 and Plat Book 78, Pages 28 <br />and 29, Orange County Registry and as morn fully dc•sexilxed in the castrnent doe. -ument reeor& -d at <br />Hook 1572, Page 555, Orange t mnty Rcgidry which the County ..ill maim <br />Rt:SOI.N'F.l) FT?RTHF.R that the County Manager is authorized to c %Lvutc.c•hatcvcr <br />documents necessary to tasty out these resolutions. <br />