Orange County NC Website
mox 1572 FAG 557 <br />2. Prohibited Uses. Any activity on or use of the <br />Protected Property inconsistent with the purpose of this <br />Conservation Basement is prohibited. without limiting the <br />generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses <br />are expressly prohibited except as provided in paragraph 3 below: <br />2.1 The legal or de facto subdivision of the Protected <br />Property for any purpose; <br />2.2 Any residential, commercial or industrial use of <br />or activity on the Protected Property (including, without <br />limitation, temporary or permanent housing, extraction of earth <br />products or extraction of oil or gas products); <br />2.3 The placement or construction of any buildings, <br />structures, or other improvements of any kind (including, without <br />limitation, fences, roads and parking lots); <br />2.4 Any alteration of the surface of the land, <br />including, without limitation, the excavation or removal of soil, <br />sand, gravel, rock, peat, or sod, except as required in the <br />course of any activity permitted herein; <br />2.5 Any use or activity that causes or is likely to <br />cause significant soil degradation or erosion or significant <br />pollution of any surface or subsurface waters. <br />2.6 The draining, filling, dredging, or diking of any <br />wetland areas, including any enlargement thereof, or the <br />cultivation or other disturbance of the soil. <br />2.7 The pollution, alteration, or manipulation of the <br />water courses located on the Protected Property or the creation <br />3 <br />