Orange County NC Website
~'r~rt ~~ 7a cU• ilri'i u f~,-~,ri wi'rui c.rc x.i <br />3 <br />Date: 3/9/98 <br />To: Change County Commissioners, z ~ .// <br />From: Jehn $. Smith, Chair ~ !~ ~t+.•~~ <br />Information Ta:hnolog ommittee <br />Subject: Remaining Jtems on FY 97.98 RCqucst to <br />Uppradc County InfotTnatiun Technology Infrastrr,Cture <br />The Qrange County tnforrnation Technolo;y Committee has discussed the items rernaining on the 1•Y 97- <br />98 rcyuest, originally submitted to the commissioners in December, 1997, and subsequently updated. Upon <br />contplction of the Southern Center upgrade, we recommend funding the remaining items on the plan as <br />updated on 3/9198. <br />This request includes $i26,l96 to complotc the upgrade of tho county network connecting all county <br />offices; $235,294 to replace 85 dcyktnp computers, completing the first phase of the planned life-cyclo <br />upgrade policy for these machines; and 58.165 to implement a county Web server to improve citi~cns and <br />commissioners' access to county information. '1:'hcse three: categorieY of items total $369,654. <br />