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i <br />r :' . <br />could no longer do this. They continued through 1986-87 to soften the blo`w~ <br />-- help the County make the transition over into this fiscal year. The APS <br />has not only spent all of its income on the operation of the shelter but <br />has had to reach into its capital reserve in order to keep up with a <br />- continuing deficit that has developed because of the constantly growing <br />demand based on the growth of the County. The APS can not and should not <br />`continue to directly subsidize this County service. The APS wants to <br />continue to operate the shelter but can do so only on a sound financial <br />basis. He urged adoption of the budget as proposed by the APS. <br />56. KAREN PRICE ,.Director of Education for Planned Parenthood for <br />orange County, asked the Commissioners to look at their request for $15,000 <br />for educational programs to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexual <br />transmitted diseases here in Orange County. The money will enable Planned <br />Parenthood to provide telephone information and counseling to over 4,000 <br />residents of Orange County and provide educational programs. for approxi- <br />mately 2,000 residents. The money will also be used for a planning <br />conference. in the fall of 1987 to provide training for 12 additional <br />volunteers for Orange County. She talked about the educational programs <br />and the prevention of teenage pregnancy. She strongly urged the Board to <br />support their request. <br />57. DON INGRAM , Vice-Chair of the Animal Protection Society, stated <br />that because of the people involved with the Animal Shelter that it is one <br />of the best in the State. 2t is the best because of the support received <br />in the past from Orange County, because of a good physical plant in which <br />to~operate rand because of the Animal Protection Society who operates the <br />shelter with a dedicated staff. He praised the executive director and the <br />manager of the shelter. He stated that the APS wants to continue to <br />:operate the shelter and that the County could not operate the shelter for <br />zany less or at the quality level it is operated under for any. less than <br />what the budget proposes. <br />58. PAT SANFORD , Executive Director of the Animal Shelter, spoke <br />about the vacancies at the shelter.. She commended the structured volunteer <br />program and summarized the services provided by the volunteers. She urged <br />the Commissioners to fund the entire budget for the shelter. <br />59. HARVEY WENSEL Transportation Coordinator for the Orange County <br />School System, spoke in support of the budget request as presented by the <br />Schools and on behalf of 78 bus drivers and .20 substitute drivers. He <br />presented in October a 4-point plan which included more training for school <br />bus drivers, and a salary increase not only for bus drivers but also for <br />aides and custodians. Every phase of the plan has been met except for <br />salary. The choice is between a higher wage or a teenage driver. <br />originally, the amount of the salary increase was $3.00 an hour which was <br />reduced by the school board to $2.00. He would appreciate the County <br />Commissioners recognizing the need for this increase in salary. <br />60. CAROLYN LONG , a representative of the Association of Teachers for <br />Orange County,. spoke about the l~ increase in the supplement. She asked <br />that all the items in the budget be funded. Teacher aides are needed in <br />the fourth and fifth grades and the increase in salary for the bus drivers <br />is desperately needed. She asked that the Board please consider the <br />request for funding as presented by the School Board. <br />61. MAX KENNEDY , member of the Orange County School Board, spoke in <br />support of the increase in salary for bus drivers and the need for teacher <br />aides in the fourth and fifth grades. With regard to the teacher <br />supplement, he-noted he pays laborers more money than a beginning teacher <br />