Orange County NC Website
i <br />_., - <br />As a group, these parents and their children receive fewer services thari~` <br />any other group of handicapped. Preschoolers with emotional and behavior <br />problems receive almost no services in the community. At this age, <br />children and parents are most responsive to intervention. A little work <br />can go along ways to alleviate the problems and promoting healthy <br />development. She emphasized that if the Board funded the entire $69,000, <br />they could be assured that in the future it will decrease the .need for <br />funding in the schools and in the private sector. <br />44. JEAN CHAPMAN spoke in support of the proposal to provide support <br />for emotionally troubled preschoolers. Children who are emotionally <br />troubled are being kicked out of daycare centers because of the inability <br />of daycare providers to deal with the situation. <br />she urged support of the entire request. <br />45. DARYL DUNLAP , teacher at Grady Brown School., spoke as an <br />educator stating opposition to the Manager's proposed budget. In <br />particular, she opposed the cuts in the current expense program and the <br />funding of the expansion items. The average teacher spends from $100 to <br />$300 per year of their own money for work related expenses which are not <br />reimbursed by the School System. The 1$ supplemental would help defray <br />some of these costs. .She spoke about the ,comments made by the County <br />Manager in his budget message stating she found them to be insulting and <br />disturbing. <br />46. ELLEN SEDMAN , Volunteer in Orange'County Schools, spoke about <br />the.. value of teacher aides. The aides help those children who need <br />individual attention. She spoke in support of the teacher supplement. <br />47. MARTHA WALKER , parent of two children in the Orange County <br />School System, asked the Commissioners to honor the trust that thousands <br />of parents have placed in them by committing themselves to quality <br />~~ education for the children of Orange County. Quality education cannot be <br />achieved without committing the dollars that it takes to run the school <br />system effectively. Many of the items that were cut out in the Manager's <br />budget will lower the quality of the children's education. The increase <br />in salary for the bus drivers will insure the safety of the students. The <br />capital outlay expenses address critical needs that maintain safety around <br />the school facilities. Failing to meet the needs this year will leave a <br />larger gap next Year of what is needed and what is given. She asked that <br />the Board meet the needs of the educational system. <br />48. B. J. MARKWOOD , representing the Stanford Jr. High English <br />Department, supported the need to get and maintain the best qualified <br />professionals for the school system. She spoke about the "Magical <br />Thoughts" publication which places emphasis on the process of writing. <br />This literary publication has improved the writing in the school as well <br />as promoting individual self esteem of the students. She spoke of the <br />State and National recognition the publication has received. She noted <br />that the local Arts Commission has contributed a grant towards the cost of <br />the program and asked that the County Commissioners also support the <br />publication. <br />49. CATHY CARROLL , parent and volunteer at the Grady Brown School, <br />spoke_of the need for increased pay for the bus drivers and the need for <br />teacher aides in the fourth and fifth grades. The teachers are overburden <br />with paperwork. As a taxpayer, she supports the need for an increased <br />budget. <br />50. MIKE CRANE , parent of a handicapped child at Grady Brown, noted <br />