Minutes - 19870608
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19870608
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~ try to address new health problems and stay abreast of the latest <br />information on ongoing health issues. Volunteers offer free counseling on <br />a 24-hour basis. In 1987-88, they hope to focus on issues dealing with <br />AIDES and Respite Care. - <br />21. AVERY HENDERSON , parent, volunteer, and a Board member for the <br />Education Foundation for orange County Schools, urged the Board to pass <br />the full request of the Orange County Schools. The School Board knows the <br />needs of the children. He urged the Board to equalize the funding and <br />indicated his willingness to pay increased taxes. <br />22. RALPH WARREN , parent and Past President of the Education <br />Foundation, stated that the growth in the area is going to have an impact <br />on the schools. The people moving into the area will expect and demand a <br />quality school system. other County agencies are preparing for the growth <br />and the schools cannot do otherwise. He talked about the volunteers and <br />the free resources they provide. He commended the teachers in the Orange <br />County School System stating they are very dedicated and highly creative. <br />23. JUDY JONES , parent and teacher at Chapel Hill High School., spoke <br />on behalf of the teachers and parents. She strongly supported the <br />proposed budget. She stated that everything that is proposed is needed to <br />maintain and develop the excellence that the Chapel Hill--Carrboro <br />community wants. She gave particular support to the teacher supplement. <br />She presented a petition supporting the teacher supplement in the budget. <br />_ <br />- -24. JOHN WESZAK , teacher, stressed that teachers don't waste money <br />in personal or professional lives: He asked why their proposed budget is <br />always for less that what was requested and why more money is not <br />_ ...., <br />allocated. <br />25. SHERIA REID , teacher at Chapel Hill High School, stated she,..,:_:..: <br />becomes frustrated because of the salaries. She questions how much the <br />system values her services. The increase in the salary supplement is not <br />substantial. By approving the budget as passed by the School Board the <br />teachers would have an indication that their value is being recognized. <br />26. MARGE HILL President of the Teacher Aide Association for the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro System, spoke on behalf of all classified employees. <br />She. stated that each classified employee plays a vital role in the smooth <br />operation of a school system. She stated there are 462 staff positions <br />designated as classified employees. Forty-eight percent are teacher <br />assistants, 17~ secretaries, 13~ custodians, 17~ cafeteria workers and 5°s <br />for maintenance. The average salary is $13,650. The average salary for a <br />teachers assistant is $8,760. Many of these people work two jobs and are <br />eligible for food stamps. She stated it is hard to attract and keep good <br />employees with low pay. She spoke in support of the classified <br />supplement. <br />27. JIM LEVY stated his family moved to the area for the sole reason <br />of quality education. He was surprised that there is not air conditioning <br />in all the schools, inadequate computers in many classes,. teenage bus <br />drivers, and the teacher salaries which are not competitive. As a parent, <br />property owner and tax payer, he requested that the Board try to meet the <br />needs. of the children as outlined in the School Board's request. <br />28. JOE ROBBINS indicated his willingness to pay a tax increase to _. <br />fund the complete budgets for both systems. He specifically asked full <br />funding for salary supplements for teachers and aides, and requested that <br />the aides work for 10 months. He stated it is now time to recognize the <br />
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