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G.3 DISTRICT OFFICE STATE AND LOCAL COORDINATOR <br />� Tt F C t Sta .Qpat aoaiinasor pr,ProgramJlAa»g rws�fhe d s+ ttie of <br />the'Cfi%I m.connection witF4.the perfntmance'of tliis,Contract andf i60 perfotm those duUes.- <br />specified in paragraph G -2 above. <br />G.4. INVOICE INSTRUCTIONS <br />a. General. Strict compliance with the invoice instructions will facilitate early payment of <br />invoices. No payments, however, can be made until this contract and subsequent <br />modifications are returned, properly executed, to the Equal Employment Opportunity <br />Commission, 1801 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20507, Attn: Contracting <br />Officer, Room 2505. <br />b. Invoice Forms. The Contractor must use copies of the "Public Voucher for Purchases <br />and Services Other Than Personal," Standard Form 1034. Copies of the form may be <br />obtained from the CM. <br />C. Payments shall be invoiced in accordance with the payment schedule contained in <br />Section G. However, regarding training, in order for the government to make maximum <br />use of funds, it is imperative that requests for payment of training completed be <br />invoiced no later than 30 days after completion of the training. <br />1. In those cases where the Contractor has not invoiced for training completed <br />within the 30 day period, the Contractor agrees to allow the govemment to <br />unilaterally deobligate the amount of funds the government determines to be in <br />excess of the amount needed to pay for training. <br />2. In the event the government determines before training is to be conducted that <br />the amount of funds provided under the contract should be reduced or <br />increased as a result of a revised estimation of the amount of funds needed to <br />pay for training, the Contractor agrees to allow the government to unilaterally <br />modify the contract to provide funds for training in accordance with the <br />government's revised estimation. <br />Step 1 - The Contractor will prepare, sign and submit copies of "Public Voucher for <br />Purchases and Services Other Than Personal," Standard Form 1034, to the <br />CM. Vouchers for advance payments must be received by the CM by the 10th <br />of the month if payment is wished near the first of the subsequent month. <br />Vouchers for payment of charge resolutions actually produced should be <br />submitted to the CM as soon after completion of a fiscal quarter as possible. <br />For advance payment, the Contractor will check "Advance" in the "Payment" <br />section of each Form 1034 submitted. For actual production payments prior to <br />the completion of the contract, the Contractor will check "Progress" in the <br />"Payment section and will type the following certification in the "Articles or <br />Services" section of each Form 1034 submitted: Contractor certifies that all <br />charge resolutions for which payment is requested were processed in <br />compliance with the applicable section(s) of EEOC Order 916. (The reference <br />to "EEOC Order 916" will change to "the State and Local Handbook" when the <br />Handbook is issued.) For the actual production payment upon completion of <br />the contract, the Contractor will check "Final" in the "Payment section, and the <br />certification cited above will be typed in the "Articles or Services" section of <br />the final Form 1034 submitted. <br />G -2 <br />