Orange County NC Website
12 <br />MACON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF A PROPERTY <br />TAX DISCOUNT FOR THE ELDERLY <br />WHEREAS, Elderly homeowners throughout North Carolina are finding it harder and harder to pay <br />theirproperty taxes because of rising market values; and <br />WHEREAS, throughout the State some home values have jumped as much as 50 percent since 1991 <br />and while this is considered a good return on an investment it can create a hardship for the elderly <br />who could be paying as much in taxes as it originally cost to purchase their home; and <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina is not among the 20 states that allow elderly homeowners to defer tax <br />payments until they sell their homes or die allowing back taxes to be paid for home-sale profits or <br />estates; and <br />WHEREAS, Only seniors with an income of $15,000 or less qualify for North Carolina's homestead <br />program which subtracts $20,000 offthe home's's tax value; and <br />WHEREAS, this Board feels that if this problem is not addressed, it could force the elderly out of <br />their homes and into nursing and retirement facilities. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the county of <br />Macon as follows: <br />1. That this Board requests the North Carolina Legislature to address this problem and <br />consider statewide implementation of a property tax discount or deferment for senior <br />citizens. <br />2. That this Board requests the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners <br />to work with Macon and the other 99 Counties and the Legislature to formulate an <br />acceptable solution to this growing problem. <br />3. That a copy of ties resolution be mailed to all 99 Counties and the Local Legislative <br />Delegation. <br />4. That this resolution be effective upon its adoption. <br />ADOPTED this 3rd day of March, 1998. <br />ATTEST: <br />(Seal) / Neon W. Bates, Board Chairman <br />Greenwood!Clerk to the Board <br />