Orange County NC Website
9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated January lli, 1998 unless a different date is shown below: <br />(F,rther /rst the Druu~ittgs here or refer fo un cshibit utfuched fu [his Agree»reuf. J <br />Number Title <br />D t <br />ae <br />M-1 First Floor HVAC Demolition & Renovation Plan <br />M-2 Second Floor HVAC Demolition Plan <br />M-3 Second Floor HVAC Renovation Plan <br />M-4 Enlarge3 ">Za~h Plans & Schedules <br />M-5 Enlarged Mechanical Plans & Details <br />M-5 Roof HVAC & Framing Renovation Plan <br />E-1 Electrical Renovation Plans <br />9.1.6 The addenda, if any, are as follows: <br />Number Date Pages <br />Portions of addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are <br />also enumerated in this Article 9. <br />AIA DOCUMENT A101 OVGN ER-COtiTRACT<)H AGREEy1E'~T' • I~VUELF'I'H EDI"IlOX AIA` ~~ 19H, <br />"1'HE AMF,RICAti Iti5'1'1"I'l ~l'E OF ARCIiITECTti, I iii tiF.IY" }'ORK AA'ES('E, A u'., U'ASIIIA(;lY)A. I).C. 2UIlU(i A101-1987 7 <br />WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. <br />