~. ~ INVUICR I R(H:F,1)URF,S ANU PAYMF.N'P: WOOLPERT shall submit invoices to the Client fur Services accomplished During each calendar
<br />monOt. for Services provided on a Lump Sum basis, the amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the "percentage or completion
<br />ntedxxl" whereby WOOLPERT wil! estimate the percentage of the total Services (provided on a Lump Sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing
<br />Aerial. Momhly invoices shall include, separately lis+etl, any charges for Services fnr which Time charges and/nr unit costs shall apply. Such invoices
<br />shall be suhmittetl by WOOLPGRT as stmn as possible after the etxl of the month in which the Services were accomplished and shall be due and
<br />payable by Ute Client up+m receipt.
<br />Tire Client. as owner or authuriicd agent fnr the owner, hereby agrees that payment will be made for said Services within Utirty (30) days from the
<br />dine of dte invoice; aril, in default of such payment, hereby agrees to pay all costs o(cnllenirnt, inctutling reasonable auontey's fees, regardless of
<br />wltcther legal action is initiated. The Client hereby acknowledges that unpaid invoices shall accrue interest at IR percent per annum after they have
<br />been outstarxling fur over thirty {1(1) days. 1f an invoice remains unpaid sixty (6(t) days after the date of the invoice, WOOI_PERT may, upon giving
<br />seven (7) days written rwtice of its intent to do so, suspend all Services on the Client's project. This suspension shall remain in effect until all unpaid
<br />invoices are paid in full. If an invoice remains unpaid ninety (qO) days after the date of the invoice, WOOLPERT may, upon giving seven (7) days
<br />written notice of its intent to do so, terminate (his Agreemem and pursue its remedies fur collection.
<br />S.d };RI'P:R'f 1Y1'f'NFtiS SF.RVICFS: 1+ is wxlerstrxxl aril agreed drat WOOLPGR"r'S services u+xler this Agreement du not include participation,
<br />whatsrtever, in any litigation. Shrxtl<I such services he required, a Professional Services Agreement Adrlerxlum may he negotiated between the Clicm
<br />and WOOL1'ERT describing the services desired a+xl providing a basis for compensation to WUOLPERT.
<br />,e,c ('OS'r F,S'r1111A'1'Fa: Cliem hereby acknuwletlges that WOOLPERT cannot warrant shat esUnrates of p«thahle construction or operating costs
<br />provided by 1VOOLPF.RT will not vary from actual costs incurred by the Client.
<br />5.6 1.11111'1' OH' LfAItILrrY: 'nc~ limit al' liability of WOULPER'1' at the Client fur any cause ur axuhinatio++ of causes resulting from dte Services
<br />hcrcutxler rendered, shall bc. in total aunnun, limited to thq fees paid under This Agrcentcm.
<br />S.7 ('ONti'1'RII("Ilf)N SM;RVI('F;S: If, utxler this Agreentenl, professional services arc provided during the construction phase of the project,
<br />\V(tOLPI(R1'shall +nx he resprnt ible fur or have control over means, methals, techniyucs, sequences, or prtx:edures; ur fur safety precautions and
<br />pntKt:unc in cnnrxs tiun with the Work, Nor shall WOOLPERT be responsible fur the ('omracu+r's failure ur carry out the Wurk is accodance wilt
<br />ihr l'unuau Uauux•mc or Ihr ('nntractor's failure w comply with applicable laws, unlinanccs, rules or regula+inns. Ihxler nu circumsta+tcec will
<br />1VUO1.1'h:R'1' have any direct contraauat relationship with the cuntraclor, any subarntracnrrs ur material suppliers.
<br />~.g INtitIRAN('f•;: WO(tl.l'IiR'i shall at all tinter carry, ao all operations hcremxlcr, worker's contpens:uiun i«curancc, public liability arxl property
<br />iosnr:ntce. arxl autontotivc public liability aril property damage insuratrce.
<br />S.q ASSIRNAIF;N"1': Neither the ('ticnt nor WUOt.PL•R'r will assign or transfer its interest in Utis Agrcentcm without dtc wriucn consent of the odrer.
<br />\VOOLPER'1', however, dtteS reserve the right to ndx:omract any portion of the Scrviccs.
<br />5.10 ti(iSl'F:NSION,'rF.R1111NA'1'IQN, CANCELLA"1'1(NV UR AAANIx)N~iF.NT: In the event dte Project described in Attachntcm A, or the Scrviccs
<br />of W(tOl.l`I?RT called for utxlcr this Agreement, is/arc suspcrxlcd, canceled, tcnninatct+, or ahatxluncd by tlrc Client, WOOI.PF.RT shat) he given
<br />at•vcn (7) days prior K'Ilat'll naUCC Ilf Slrfh al'tlml alNl shall he CUInI1eI1tia1C11 f/lr IIIC $l•rVICCS pIIIVI/IC(I 1+11 to Ihr d;uc of suspension, tcrminaliun.
<br />c:utcellatiun, or aharxlunntcnt including reimbursable expenses in accordance with the pntvisious of this Agrcentcm.
<br />S.I I F'N'I IRM:fY (Ih AI:Rf,I•:DIF:N'1:'Ihis Agreennm CIIIINNIICS (hc l'IIUfC Agrel'Inl`III atxl Ulxh'rx111xhtlg Itetwectl IIK panics, their successors atxl assigns
<br />herexr, arxl there arc rxr odtcr agrcctttcnts atxl urxlcrstarxlings, oral or written, with rcksctx:c nr the subject matter hcrco( that arc not ntergcd herein
<br />atNl super<cded hereby. No alteration, change or nuxlification of Ute tenor of dtis Agreement shall he valid unless made in writing atxl signed by both
<br />panics hcrcxt. This Agrccntcut shall trc guvcnrctl by the lawx of the State of Ohio artless specifically stated udxrwise in Attacluncnt ti. This Agrcentcm
<br />includes this drxuntcnt aril:
<br />A'1'fAC11M1iN'I' A -Scope of Scrviccs
<br />IN WI'1'NhSS WIII:ItI`:(1F', this AKret:n)ent which is subject to ttx: terms and cvnditiuns of i'arts 1 thnntgh 5; pages I and 2, and
<br />Allachntents is accepted tm the later date written below.
<br />(:1,1I~,N'f:
<br />SI(:Ni~.i):
<br />'1'YI'1~,1) NA1111:: ~'~LG'~QY'1~"nW • I~11'1~w1~
<br />7'ITI.1?• l.~lr'~ D.C. I~oIN11t~~~~l1LY.~
<br />1)A'1'1?' T'~.~~' 98
<br />11-H'IIRI I(' I'Rt11'rt\nl1(IRANr;I~rPIIASrI.A(;I
<br />WOOI,P
<br />SIGNEU: ~
<br />1'YPF,i) NAME: Kenneth L. Bull(xk. ASLA
<br />TITI,F,: Associate Partner
<br />I)A'1'h.: January 19. 1998
<br />Acctl'Trr)
<br />