Orange County NC Website
;'~1AY - :.~3 4RtGIw1~~ ~ "~-~T~gT'r`1RES <br />WOOLPERT LLP COPY ~ <br />Professional Service Agreement DIST. - ~~~ <br />I'AR'I' I. CF,NFRA1, <br />TIIIS AGREE1virNT, including attachments as hereinafter noted, made and entered into ~ rt.~, , <br />l9~_. by and between WOOLPERT LLP, whose address is 8731 Red Oak Boulevard, Charlotte, North <br />Carolina, 28217-958 hereinafter referred to as WOOLPERT and the Client identified herein, provides fur the <br />Professional Services described under Part 3 of this Agreement. <br />Clienta?ranpe Coun y Phone No.: 919/SG3-11301 <br />Address: P.U. Box 8181 Contact Person:Bob Jones. Recreation Director <br />City/Statel7,ip Code: Ilillsboruueh. North Carolina 27278 <br />Project Number: <br />Short Title:~nd-Cheeks Schcxfl Park Phase-( Construction llucuments , or the "Project" <br />I'Ali'1' 2. C1~:Nh,RA1, 1)I?S('RII''I'IUN OF I'R(>,II:C'1' SI"1'1?: <br />l'Ire prufx~sed project is located between the 1i11and-Checks iilentemary School and Richmond Road. T-he site <br />is approximately 27.5 Acres. <br />PART' J. I)1?S('RIPTION OF PROFFSSIUNAI, SI?RVICF4 to he provided by WOOLPI'.RT are identified in <br />Attachment A of this Al;rccnrcnt. <br />I'AR'1' 4. TIIF. CUIIIPF.NSATION TU RE PAli) WOOLI'F,RT for providinf; the requested Services shall he as <br />follows and ac more fully idcmified in AUachntem B of this Agreeaent. <br />~,_ A iarmp-Sum charge for Park Master Plan of 557,520.IN1 including labor and reimbursables; <br />_ Unit Cost/'time Charges, plus reimbursable rnsts for construction administration; or <br />_ ()tlrer <br />1'Alt'1' S. '1'ISR~1S ANI) CUNI)1'1'iUNS <br />S. t GATE OF COMMF,NCF,MENT ANn i)URATION: The bate of Connnenccntcnt of this Agrccmcnt shall he the date last <br />~4'Pcaring on the signature page. This Agreement shall remain in eflcct until June 30. 1999 unless terminated as provided <br />herein, ur extended by nnuual agreement in writing. <br />S.l IP WUUI,PER"i"S SIsRVICFS UNUF,R '1'i11S ACREF,MENT ARE I)F,I,AYF.1) fur reasons Ixynnd WOOI.PGR'f'S <br />comrol, the completion date specified in Pan 3.1 of this Agrccmcnt shall he modified accordingly and the fees shall he <br />rene);utiated for any unfinished services as of the effective date of such change. <br />I'.CA t~aa k.eMl ~y~utUv 1'r?8 <br />