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_ - .:., <br />(5) Provide a landscape plan demonstrating compliance with Section <br />IV-B-8, including location of existing trees, land use <br />buffers, and areas to be planted. <br />(6) Clear sight triangle on east side of proposed Class A Private <br />Road at its intersection with Old Greensboro Road. .,~-,~ <br />(7) Provide 15-inch drainage pipe under proposed Class A Private <br />Road at its intersection with old Greensboro Road. <br />(8) Revise the proposed restrictive covenants to prevent further <br />subdivision of lots 1-9. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />7. ARCHIE M. GRAHAM JR: - PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />Greg Szymik presented for consideration of approval the Prelimi- <br />nary Plan for the property of Archie M. Graham, Jr. The property is <br />located in Cheeks Township on the east side of Efland-Cedar Grave Road. <br />one lot is proposed out of 3.7016 acres.' The zoning designation is Rural <br />Residential with the overlay district of Upper Eno Protected Watershed. <br />The Land Use Plan designation is Rural Residential and Upper Eno Water <br />Supply Watershed. The Planning Board recommended approval subject to the <br />applicant indicating the lot size excluding the right-of-way and the <br />provision of a landscape plan demonstrating compliance with Section IV-B- <br />8, including location of existing trees, land use buffers, and areas to be <br />planted. The Manager concurs with this recommendation. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to approve the Manager's recommendation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />(CONTINUED ON PAGE 141) <br />