Minutes - 19870504
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19870504
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8/14/2008 12:14:39 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 12:50:53 PM
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P-0240 - Public Private Partnership Steering Committee
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"~a ~i .~ .::fir <br />st »;ael 'id <br />Wimmer & Wimmer $ 22,386.78 <br />3. BUDGET AMENDMENT <br />to approve the project amendment for Community Development <br />Programs as stated below: <br />Communit Develo ment Fund ~~~~ <br />Appropriation - CD IV Northern Fairview Project $ 2,100 <br />Source - Program Income $ 2,100 <br />Appropriation - CD V Councilville Project $ 1,203 <br />Source - Program Yncome $ 1,203 <br />4. ABOVE ENTRY HIRING RE VEST <br />to offer a salary above the middle of .the salary range for a <br />candidate to fill a vacancy in the Social Services Department. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis that the foregoing action be taken by the Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP CONFERENCE - FOLLOW UP ACTIONS <br />Chair Marshall reported the conference was worthwhile. It <br />was recommended that the locally appointed intergovernmental "13-point" <br />watershed committee be continued and that it address a wider variety of <br />questions. <br />Commissioner Carey indicated his desire to have Chair Marshall <br />serve on this committee in his place stating it was important that the <br />Chair serve' and be informed. <br />Chair Marshall expressed concern over the "turfism" issue and the <br />different perceptions the officers of the jurisdictions .involved and <br />others have of this issue. She referred to the joint planning process and <br />the importance of planning for annexation into municipalities. She intro- <br />duced for discussion three recommendations listed on the agenda abstract. <br />,.._;y <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to authorize the Chair, as a member, ex officio , of the Public- <br />Private Partnership Steering Committee, to work towards the goals adopted <br />by the conference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />Commissioner Willhoit objected to the second recommendation <br />stating that the entire Board should choose the representative of any <br />local intergovernmental working group instead of the Chair, on election, <br />automatically becoming an ex officio member. <br />Commissioner Carey stated the importance of the Chair serving as <br />an ex officio member of any group involving the three governmental units <br />stating that this is a responsibility that goes along with being Chair. <br />It was decided that this recommendation would be reviewed at the <br />first meeting in December. <br />Commissioner Willhoit objected to the third recommendation stating <br />no need for this because no one has expressed an interest in talking about <br />extension of extra-territorial jurisdiction. <br />Chair Marshall emphasized that the issue was raised when talking <br />about the swap of extraterritorial jurisdiction and it became quite clear <br />that there was one view of this intergovernmental cooperation and that it <br />was a territorial issue. Disenfranchisment was brought forward several <br />times at the public hearing. She feels it important that the citizens <br />understand that the Board is against moving people that are not in the <br />extra territorial jurisdiction into the extra-territorial jurisdiction and <br />that joint planning is the solution. <br />
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