Orange County NC Website
PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, April 3, 1998 has been nationally established as Equal Pay Day in commemoration of <br />the continuing efforts to gain full equity for women in pay and in all other privileges of life as <br />guaranteed by the U S Constitution to citizens of this free country; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Commission for Women advocates to improve and promote the <br />status of Women, and supports the County's consideration of a living wage for all of its citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, there remains much work to be done to bring to fruition our promise that all persons are <br />created equal; <br />NOW THEREFORE, the Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby recognizes last Friday, <br />Apri13, 1998, as Women's Equity Day in commemoration of the struggle that women continue to <br />advance towards achieving equity in pay, a living wage and equal opportunity for all citizens in <br />Orange County, regardless of gender. <br />This the 7th day of April, 1998. /~j~ <br />Margaret W. Brown, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />