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r� <br />annexed. Generally, the Town satisfies this requirement through a five -year agreement that <br />compensates the rural fire department for one -half of the revenue lost due to the Town's <br />incorporation of the annexation area, in return for the rural fire department's fire protection to the <br />area. <br />Town Property Taxes and Services <br />Once annexed, properly owners continue to pay County property taxes for County services (such <br />as education, public health and social services) and they pay Town property taxes for Town <br />municipal services. These municipal services include police protection, fire protection, regular <br />garbage and trash collection, maintenance of public streets (excluding State roads), and use of the <br />library, parks, recreation programs, and transit services. The Town pays to have additional fire <br />hydrants, street lights, and street name signs installed where they do not already exist in accord <br />with the Town's normal service policy. <br />Annexation does not change school district boundaries. In addition, annexation does not change <br />mailing addresses, phone numbers, or election precinct/voting place. New Town citizens will be <br />able to vote in Town elections, however. Annexation may lower a homeowner's fire insurance <br />premiums, as area served by the Town's Fire Department have a better fire insurance rating than <br />areas served by Rural Fire Departments. <br />Town property taxes are based on property valuations as of January 1 each year, as determined <br />by Orange or Durham County, respectively. The Town's property tax. however, is for the budget <br />or service year beginning July 1 each year For example, property taxes billed on July 1, 1998, <br />will be used for Town services provided from July 1, 1998 until June 30, 1999. These tax bills <br />will be due by January 5, 1999. Thus, for example, property annexed with an effective date of <br />June 30, 1998, would be billed for a full year of services (July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999). <br />Annexations effective at other times during the year would receive prorated tax bills based on the <br />fiscal year, not the calendar year. <br />4 <br />14 <br />ti <br />