Orange County NC Website
2 <br />number of health and human service agencies. The collaborative <br />group decided that an intensive home visiting program was a need in <br />Orange County and would be a very valuable addition to the <br />continuum of services available to families with young children 0 -5 <br />years of age. The group also decided that the Orange County Health <br />Department was the most appropriate agency to administer the <br />program. The Attachment 1 Executive Summary from the grant <br />project proposal submitted to the State provides program details. <br />The Health Department has been notified of the State's approval of <br />this grant award. Funding awarded includes $105,000 for Fiscal Year <br />1997 -98 and $100,000 for Fiscal Year 1998 -99. Additional funding for <br />Fiscal Year 1998 -99 also will be requested from the Orange County <br />Partnership for Young Children in the amount of $41,900. Medicaid <br />reimbursement of $15,965 is projected for Fiscal Year 1998 -99 for a <br />total budget of $157,865 for Fiscal Year 1998 -99. <br />The grant proposal included three and a half (3.5) positions to <br />accomplish the following outcomes: <br />❑ Approximately 50 families in Fiscal Year 1998 -99 at highest risk of <br />child abuse and neglect will receive intensive, at least weekly home <br />visiting services and <br />❑ Approximately, 75 families in Fiscal Year 1997 -98 and 500 families <br />in Fiscal Year 1998 -99 will receive an assessment, triage and <br />referral to the appropriate service. <br />❑ 90 percent of families in the program will not have substantiated <br />cases of child abuse and neglect, <br />❑ 90 percent of children served in the program will be up to date on <br />well child care examinations and immunizations, <br />❑ 90 percent of families in the program will demonstrate improved <br />scores on a post test of parenting knowledge and skills, <br />Staffing will consist of: <br />❑ A Public Health Nurse and a Social Worker to carry out the <br />intensive home visits <br />❑ A Social Worker to accomplish screening, intake and referral and <br />