Agenda - 04-07-1998 - 9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-07-1998
Agenda - 04-07-1998 - 9d
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/19/2010 4:16:24 PM
Creation date
7/19/2010 4:16:22 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
1998 S Purchasing - WOOLPERT LLP-Efland Cheeks Community School Park Boundary and Topographic Survey Woolpert LLP
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
Minutes - 19980407
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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<br />Owner. <br />3.2.2 The Consultant, as the representative of the Owner during the construction phase, shalt <br />advise and consult with the Owner and issue the owner's instructions to the contractor; <br />the Cotuultant shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Owner to the extent <br />authorized by the Owner. The Consultant shall, at all times, have access to the work <br />wlienever it is in preparation or progress. It is understood that the Consultant will have <br />a representative in the field during construction at periodic times. <br />3.2.3 The Consultant shall issue separate appropriate letters of Notice to Proceed to each <br />prime contractor, which shall fix and deE'initely establish the beginrtirtg date of Time of <br />1'ertorntance for each prime contract, and the required completion date. Copies of each <br />such letter issued by the Consultant shall be furnished to the Owner. <br />3.2.4 Ttte Consultant shall arrange for, give written notice to all appropriate parties as to <br />time artd place, and conduct apre-construction conference for each separate contract on <br />an agenda approved by the Owner. <br />3.2.5 7~te Consultant shall evaluate and approve the prime contractor's work schedule. The <br />Consultant shall establish and conduct a schedule of meetings as work progresses with <br />the prime contractor's representatives and representatives of the Owner. Such meetings <br />will be coordittatcd with scheduled site visits aril will be maintained tltrougltottt the <br />entire constnrction period and shall be for the primary purpose of assessing the <br />progress of the work and taking such remedial actions ac are necessary to assure the <br />required progress and completion within the contract time. The Consultant shall submit <br />to the Uwncr a full report of e;tclr ntccting. <br />3.2.C 'The Consultant shall require all sub-consultant's participating in the design of the <br />project to provide liaison and observation services with respect to their portion of the <br />design. <br />3.2.7 'i'he Consultant shall not be responsible for, nor have control or charge of, construction <br />means, ntethcxls, techniques, sequencev or procedures, or for safety precautions and <br />programs in connection with the project, and shall not be responsible far contractors' <br />failure tv carry out work iri accordance with the cornract documents. The Consultant <br />shall not be responsible for, nor have control over, the acts or omissions of the <br />contractors, subcutttractnrs, any of their agents or employees, or any other persons <br />p~:rforming any work. <br />3.2.R based on the Consultant's observations at the site, and an evaluation of the Project <br />Al)plicatian for 1'aynunt, dtc Consultant shall detcnnine the amounts owing to the <br />contractors a~)cl shall issue a Project Certificate for Payment in such amounts, as <br />Irrovidcd in the contract documents. <br />3.2.9 'i'he issuat)ce of a Project Certificate far Payn)ent shall crntstitute a rcl)rescntation by <br />the Consultant to the owner that, based on the Consultant's observations at the site and <br />on the data comprising Ehe Project Application for Payment, work has progressed to the <br />point indicaictl; that, to the best of the Consultant's knowledge, informatic)n and belief, <br />the quality of work is in accordance with the contract documents subject tv an <br />evaluation of work for conformance with the contract documents upon substantial <br />completion, to the results of any subsequent tests required by or performed under the <br />contract docun)cnts, to minor deviations from the contract doctrmcnts corrcctahlc prior <br />to comt)lctic)tt, and to any specific qualifications statcJ in the Project Certificate for <br />Payntcrtt; and that the contractors arc entitled to payment in the amount certified. <br />I luwcvcr, tltc issuance of a I'rc)~cct Ccrtlficatc fur I'ayutcnt shall not be a rcprescntation <br />-5- <br />
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