Orange County NC Website
5 <br />ATTACIIIVICNT A <br />AGREEMENT FUR CONSULTING SERVICCS <br />a' OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMh:NT PREPARATION, <br />I31f)i)ING ASSISTANCE, AND CONSTRUCTION ADIViINISTRATIUN <br />OF TILE <br />EFLAND-CHEEKS SCiI00L PARK SITE <br />BETtiVI;EN TIIE COUNTY OF ORANGE, NORTII CAROLINA <br />AND <br />WOOLPERT LLP <br />'t"his ACRI;F,Nih;N'C is made ana entered into this day of , 1998, by <br />and between the County of Orange, North Carolina, hereinafter called "Owner" and Woolpert LLP <br />hcrcinafter referred to as "Consultant" for the following project(s): <br />t'ItASt;-t (:UNS'1'RiJ(:'1'IUN 1)OCtJiv1F,N'T PR1:I'ARA'i'1UN <br />fIfU1)iNG ASSISTANCN; <br />CUNSTRIJCTION AI)MINISTRATIUN <br />W 1'1'N CSSf3Ti I: <br />WIIf.iRE:AS, the Owner desires to engage the Consultant to furnish planning, landscape architecnrral, <br />architectural and engineering services for the project tasks as identified in this scope of work. This <br />contract includes the portion of the project which includes the constnrction document preparation, <br />bidding aegistat>ce, and construction administration up to arui including the scope of wvrk that can he <br />accontplished under the Phase-f available. funding. <br />WI [fiREAS, the Consultant has exhibited evidence of experience, ability, competence. and reputation <br />U1 pCffgrnt S1tClt SerVICC3. <br />Wi Ii:REAS, the Owner has authorized to enter into an agreemcrrt for performance of such services. <br />Nnw, TfIfiR(I:ORF, the Owner and die Consultant far consideration hcrcinafter stipulated, mutually <br />aKree that the Consultant shall perfonir and carry out in a satisfactory manner all the necessary services <br />provided under this contract, as determined by the Owner. <br />SCOPE OF SF,RVICFS <br />The Consultant's basic services include then preparation of the following three different tasks of work: <br />'Task-[ <br />f3ascd upon the approved master plan and Phase-l design option, the Consultant will complete <br />construction documents utilizing the available funds designated for Phase f which have been <br />allocated for this project. The preparation of the plans and specifications will be complete and <br />ready frrr hid. <br />