<br />S.1 1NVUI(:F, PRUCEI)()RFS ANT) PAYMF,N't'; WpOLPBR7 clmll suhnlit invaiccs to the Client fix Services acctxlttdlshed during each calendar
<br />numtfl, for services prrivid nil a Lump Sum Msis, the amount of each mlmthly invoice shall be determined nn the 'petcetnage bt campletlalt
<br />nretlNNl' wheFehy WUOt.PF.RT will estivate the percetN.ige of the total SrnKCS (prmicled on a Lutnp Sum lmis) accexnplished duritt~ the Irrvnicing
<br />+ pcrad. Mlarddy invrices dlall iriclulk, sc)Nlrately lietell, arty elargcs far Serv'KCS fix which time elargcs anllfar unit cents shall apply. Such invoices
<br />-shall Ile nduuiucd hY ~VUUI.FL•RT as slNm as ptnsihle attcr the end nt the nNNNh in which dle Services were acclNnplishcd an11 shall be due arNl
<br />payable by the CI'ICIN uplm receipt.
<br />lllc (:IicIN, as Ilwncr Ix auttnxi~cd agclq Gx the IIwtIM, IKrchy agrees that paynKlN will he made fix saki Scrvkcs whhin thirty (Jt)) Jays fnxn the
<br />rhtr of Ule inwriee: aril, in tkfaldt of such paynletN, herelly agrees In pay all clots of rn{kcthnl, including rcasmahle atkxncy's fees, reganpeas of
<br />whether legal acthm is initiated. The (:1'xYN hereby acknowledges that. unpaid invoices shall accrue imercst at lR percent per anlwm after they lour
<br />been austalNl(Ilg fix IriM thirty (Jt)) tklys. If an invaice rcnuiM ulgaill sixty (60) Jays after the date of the invrrice, WOOI,I'F,RT nlay, IgNm giving
<br />level (7) clays written aNke t+f its irMtlM 1n do sn, arsprnd all Services an the ClictN's praject. This sllsperlshm shall remain in clfect omit all unpaid
<br />invlia:es arc pair) in full. )fan invoice renailn unpaid nilxty (90) clays alter the Jate of the invoice. W(K][,1'E•R7 may, uptm giving seven (~) days
<br />wrinen rxxicc of hs i1NCtN to thl ul, tctmiltate this AgrcernelN and pursue itt rcnletlics fix rnlle:tinn.
<br />SA F::(1'tiR'r WrrNF.~S SF.RVi(:F.S: It is ulNlcrstand and agrcel tlat WOOI.I'GR'r'S services urltkr this Agrccnxm do rN+t i1KhNlc partkipatitm,
<br />wlutclxvM, 111 ally luigatitm, SlxNlkl NKII sevkts he tetpllrel, a Pn/fcssitllal Services AgrccnleM Adtkrahlm tray he rtcglNiatnl between the Client
<br />alxl W(X)t.f'GR'r Iksrrihiug Ills services dcsirctl arNl prlwitlirlg a basis fix ctNllpcusatitm to WU()LP@RT.
<br />S.s t't),S'r fcr1Q/A'I'FS; ('Iknt hereby al:klalwletlges that WOO).PF.RT caaNN warrant Ilal estimates of pnlhahle crnwrwtnnt Ix I+pCtatillf cllsts
<br />plnvitkd by W(X)LpfsRT will INN vary frau actual ctw.c incurred hY the ClicrN.
<br />~.fi LIPiI'r OF LIARILI'rY: Thr limit n( liahiluy of WOULPfR'r w the t'YM1N fix arty cmise Ix clxnbilatilm of causes rewlting frtNn the Scrrices
<br />IN•ItY11Nlt1 reNltlrtl, shall IN', ill xNal anNNUx, linlnnl Ia dlc fees I+aitl IxNlcr This Agrccnlcru.
<br />S.7 ('t)NtirRlt("r11)N SF:RVI('Fti: If, ulNkr this AgrcenKlN, profescitNal servitss ale pravakYi during the crN4strlKtion p141ee of the project,
<br />1~'(H)1.1'IitCr slug INN I+c rcq+INnil+le fin nr 14vve clNNnll mcr nlcal4s, nletlads, Iechnilplcs, seplcnccs, Ix prncelares; tx firc safety ptccautitms aref
<br />p1~N;l:xtn 111 CIaaNY't11N1 Wil{I Ills WINk. Nlx {14Y11 W(N)I.TrRT Ile fet1N1114dtk (/lf tIK t'(HNIaC11N t falltrre Ut Carry INII IIIC WINIr III aCCINIIarKe will)
<br />Illy 1'INNtacl I)IxllllN•Mt IN ftx ('INNIaI'hx's fa1111R (tl CINn(lly Wldl a(Iplical+IC laws, INthxnnl'C\, rlllcs /N rCgxlalhNK. IIINICf INl CIICIIIIISta1KC~ well
<br />1VtN11.1'IiR'T' hart arty tl11CC1 CINNraI'llal MIa1NN4~hlp wllh the Ct11NraClrx, ally sld+cornractnrs Ix natcrial aptplicrs.
<br />S.A IN511RANt'R: 1Y(NILPIiR'r s14Y11 a1 all tixtcs catty, INI all IltleraluNts IN:rcuakr, wrnkcr's clNlq,exsati+m innualxc, pld+lic 1'uhilily a1N1 pn+pcrty
<br />111'~IIra1N:C, alNl a1111NINNIVC p11hIK 14lhillly a1N1 pfllpclly dalmgC 11-sUfa1KC.
<br />5.9 ,t,ti.~'IGNt-iF'NI': Nridlrr tlK• ('Title ran WUUI,I'RR'r will assign Ix traltcfrr its huelest in this AgretnlclN witlNNn tilt ariutn ctulsem nt the INller.
<br />WtHll.l'IiRT, IN+wcrcY. Ihlrs reserve Ule right to suhermlract any plxlitnl of tlu Services.
<br />5.10 S1~SI'F,N.SitNV,'I'ERI111NAT1(NV, CANCF.I,I,AT1(NV UR AItANiNNVPIF:IV7': Tn tlx evem the iRoject JeserilN.Y1 ix Attaclultent A. nr tlx Services
<br />of WtlUl.t'[iRT called Gx ulxler this Agreena:nl, islare wspendctl, cancelcrl, tcnnil4~tcd, tx abarxllNNY1 by the Clkm, W(N)I.pIsRT shat( be Iticcn
<br />scrtn t7) days prilx wrinen rNllicc of slKh aClhm arNl shnll I+C clnnprncltsatcd fix tllc Services pmvillel up In tIN' dolt of susptYlsion, ICrr111r4'llxNl,
<br />ralKClla111~n, IN :d+a1NI1NNlµlN IIKIINI111K fC1I111NIt.Whlt CJlpetltCt In aCClNdanCC wllll Ilue prlriltNNLt pf 1111( AgfeCIllCtN.
<br />S.I 1 EfV'1INEfY <)F At:RF.FPIFNI':'lhis ARrrrlntrN enllNlllks the tlNhc AgrcrnlclN a1N11uaktstalNlil>R INaw1YYl the )sinks, Ilxi/ succcsson arNl asslgln
<br />IN•lron, alrl ItN•IC are cal ININ•1 aKrcrxltrNS aal mrkrualNlilgts, INaI Ix wrinen, wish IcftlclN•c to ttlC sld+jtct nutter Ilcrcol tlat arc la+t merged httcin
<br />a/al alpcra/lttl hclcby. IW+aher:Nnal, challgc tx IlxxlifKatilm of dle terrree xf this Agrcenlcnl shall tle valid uldess lamlt in writing a1Nl xiRINYI I+y MNh
<br />panics IItIMrI Tllis ARlttxN'rN dull IN• R/wr11aY1 by Ilk laws I+f TIM SIa1c 11(()11al ulllrss q,ctilita8y crahYt tNllrrwia hl AttaelNlK rN R. 'this Aprctrlltnt
<br />irN hxks This dl+cnmelN alNl:
<br />A'1'rA('11A1t:Nl' A • Sc/lpc of Strvkrs
<br />IN 1Y1'1'NI?tiS Wllhltl;O1'', Ibis AKrt:rntcut which is suhjcta It/ the lcrnts atnl cotxlitirnts of l'arls ! thttntgh 5: pekes t and 2, ant)
<br />AttathnN•nte is arct•pll•d nu tllc later dale wrinen I>tluw.
<br />('1,11?N'1': WUUI,P
<br />Rt(:Ni~,l): SiGNI:I): ~
<br />'1'YI'P:U NAl1l1?: TYPI?I) NAM1;: Kcl)ntal) L. t3ulhxk_ ASLA
<br />'1~1~1•1,1',: 1'I'1'l.l''.: Li~11blII1t: IlatittCt
<br />1)A'1'i~.: UA'I'li:~ I9. 1998
<br />II UHrlll II~~PpnlYtiA11n1lANri1,IP11AG~LAr71
<br />nccFrrrn
<br />