Orange County NC Website
3 <br />WOULPERT I.LP <br />Professional Service Agreement <br />PART' 1. Gi:NERAi, <br />DpGI~~ <br />T11iS AGRF,I:MENT, including attachments as hercitraRer Hotel], made anti entered inq) <br />19 , by atxi between WOOLPERT LLP, whose aJJresa is 8731 RcJ Uak i)oulcvarJ, Charlotte, North <br />Canrlitta, 28217-3958 hcrcitraflcr referred to as WOO[.Pi:RT arxl the Ctictrt identified Ircrcin, provides fur the <br />Professiotrat Services JescrihcJ under Part 3 of this Agreement. <br />Client: Uranec Cou Phone Nn.: 919/563-11301 <br />AddnKS: f .U. 13ux 8181 Contact Person:I3ab ]ones. Rec)sation Director <br />City/titatc/7,ip C+xk: ilillsburoueh_ North Carolina 27278 <br />1'rujcct Ntnnlx:r: <br />Sh++rt 'Title:-J,;Q,•~++t-Checks Sch~w+l Park 1'hacc-I Curutructiun Ikxunn:nts , or flee "Project" <br />I'AR'1' 2. (;1~.N1?RA1,1)t:S('Ittl''i'1()N ()F PRt)JIsCI' Si'TF.: <br />'17n propos~•tl project is located trdwcen flee iiliatxl•Cheeks iilenrentary Sclnnrl atxl Riclnnorxl RuaJ. The site <br />is appnr~inratcly 27,5 Acres. _ <br />1'AI2'I' J. UF„ti('RiP'TiON OF PRUFi?SSIUNAt, SI:RVI(:FS hr Ix: pnrvidcJ by WUOl.l'iiRl' arc identified in <br />Auachnrcm A of Ibis Agrccnrrnt. <br />f'AI2~1' 4. '1'11F: ('Ut1tl'1?NSA'i'fUN 'i'U 1Sr 1'A1l1 WUt)LPi~.R'l' fire pruvidinK tlr+: rrgrrestcd Services shall Ix as <br />fullness and are more fatly identified iu Attaclunent H of this Akrcrn><ot. <br />1(_ A LungrSum charge fnr Park Master Plan of 557,52Q.(!n inclutlinR labor and reimbursables; <br />_~, l4rit i'ost/'i'inre ('1tarRes, plus reimbursable costs for construclirnt adminis(ration; or <br />_ Othee <br />NAlf1' S. '1'I;R~IS ANU C:ONI>I'1'lUNS <br />S.l iM'i'F, OF CUM1iM1IF,+~I(.:Eib1F.lY'f ANi) hURATiON: lire Date of C+rnurrcrrecn><m of this Agrccnrcnt shall he the elate last <br />:+ppcarinl; an Urc siga~urre page. 'This Agrccnrcnt slwll remain in effect until lutte 3U. 1999 unlcsc trntrnratcd as provided <br />IK•rcin, ur cctcrr+led !~y nunual agrccrnent in writing. <br />S,2 11~ WUULPFR'i''S SA:RViCi:C 11Ni)I:R 't'ilts AGRi~.fM1li:N'T ARIs Utsi,AYF,1) Cur rcastrtre IxyunJ WUO1.PfiR'f'S <br />cnntrul, II-c completion date spct:ifietl ire 1'att S.I of this Agreement shall he nuxlifird accnrJingiy anJ the fees shall Ire <br />rcucgwtiatcd for any unfinished services as of the effecaivc date of each change. <br />1'.CA leave t..~,r,r ~arrutrtr.L~. <br />