Orange County NC Website
<br />• Final Corrections ........................ July 22, 1998 -August S, 1998 <br />• Permit Submittals ......................... . ........August 6, 1998 <br />~~~1; <br />• Plans Ready 1"or Bidding ............................September 7, 1998 <br />• Construction Period .........................October 199$ -March 1999 <br />Vlt. - J}~~ ' 'E$ . <br />7.1 The following fees arc presented based upon the key work areas o{' this contract. The ices are <br />lump sum ices for the major work components. <br />7.2 Luntp Surn Fccs <br />• I'hasc-1 Construction Uocumtnts ........................... 557,52W.UU <br />rr ~runr.a.~rnnrasni.a~nnrrrnrn~st:r.~ci <br />-9- <br />