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~~ <br />3.2.19 The extent of the duties, 'responsibilities, and limitations of authority of the Consultant <br />as a rcpresetttative of the owner during construction shalt be modified vt extended <br />without the written consent of the Owner and the Consultant, which consent shall not <br />be unreasonably withheld. <br />3.2.20 'ihe Cotteultant shall schedule and conduct a final inspection of the project, <br />coordinaeing the date for such inspection with the prime contractor and Owner. <br />3.2.2 t The Consultant's and contractor's personnel shall conduct an on-site run-through of the <br />operations and maintenance of the completed project with the appropriate Owner's <br />personnel. <br />3.2.22 The Consultant shall provide a set of reproducible record drawings on Mylar and in a <br />CAD Format, showing only significant changes in the work made during the <br />construction process based on marked-up prints, drawings, and other data furnished by <br />the contractor and the Owner`s representative in the field. <br />III. - A}11UI'I IUNAj,..$1EIiY.[ <br />4.1 't'lte following services are not included in services as outlined in Section I-III. They shall be <br />provictcd if autharizcd or confirmed in writing by the Owttcr, and they shall he paid far by the <br />Owner as providccl ut this Agreement and/or as agreed between the Uwner and the Cotuultant. <br />4.1.1 Providing services resulting from signiCcattt changes in the extent of the project as <br />defined in this agreement. <br />4.1.2 Providing services resulting from preparing additional separate sets of construction <br />dc~cumcnts other than stated in the Agrccntcnt. <br />4. I.3 l'rcrviding services to investigate existing condi ions ear facilities, or to make measured <br />drawings thereof, or to verify the accuracy of drawings or other information furnished <br />by the Owner. <br />4.1.4 Providing services in connection with alternative design for cast estimating or bidding <br />purposes. <br />4.1.5 Nicking revisic~tts in drawings, specifications, or ether documicnts when such revisions <br />arc inconsistent with written approvals or ittstntctiotts previously given, or are required <br />by the ernctmcnt or revisions of codes, laws, or regulations subsequent to the <br />preparation of such documents, or are due to other causes not solely within the control <br />of the Consultant. <br />4. ! .G Preparing drawings, specifications, and supporting data and providing other services in <br />connection with change orders. <br />4.1.7 Providing corrsultativn concerning replacement or any work damaged by fire or other <br />cause during cnnstncction, and furnishing services as many be required in connection <br />with the replacement of such work. <br />A. I .R f'rnviding services made necessary by the failure of performance; by default of a <br />contractor; by major defects or deficiencies in the work of any contractor; or by failure <br />of petfnrtnattce cif either the (honer or any contractor unclrr the contracts for <br />rcurstntctinn. <br />4. I .d t'raviding extensive assistance in the utilization of any equipment or system such as <br />-7- <br />