Orange County NC Website
Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners <br />Action Agenda Item Abstract <br />Meeting Date: April 7, 1998 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 4-4 <br />Subject: Joint Agreement for Water Quality Improvements and New Position <br />Department: Soil and Water Public Hearing: Yes No X <br />Budget Amendment <br />Needed: Yes X No <br />Attachment(s): Information Contact: <br />1 -Joint Agreement with the N.C. Department of Brent Bogue, District <br />Environment and Natural Resources and Conservationist <br />the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Extension 2751 <br />Service <br />2 -Conservation Specialist Class Specification Telephone Number: <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />Mebane 227-2031 <br />Purpose: To consider entering into a joint agreement with the N.C. Department of <br />Environment and Natural Resources and the U.S. Natural Resources <br />Conservation Service to provide water quality technical assistance to <br />farmers to reduce nitrogen delivered to the Neuse River. <br />Background: On December 11, 1997, the N.C. Environmental Management <br />Commission adopted a rule to support implementation of the Neuse <br />River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy. The <br />rules states: <br />All persons engaging in agricultural operations in the <br />Neuse River Basin shall collectively achieve and maintain <br />a 30 percent net total nitrogen loading reduction from the <br />cumulative average 1991-95 nitrogen loadings within five <br />years from the effective date of this rule. <br />The rule will become effective August 1, 1998, subject to approval by <br />the Environmental Management Rules Review Commission and the <br />North Carolina General Assembly. <br />The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the <br />U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service have identified Orange <br />