Orange County NC Website
2 <br />PROCLAMATION <br />ORANGE COUNTY INFANT IMMUNIZATION WEEK <br />APRIL 19-25, 1998 <br />WHEREAS, April 19-25 has been proclaimed as National Infant Immunization Week; and <br />WHEREAS, during National Infant Immunization Week all immunization providers are <br />encouraged to work with their communities to vaccinate children by expanding clinic hours, <br />increasing screening, and distributing educational materials; and <br />WHEREAS, more than one-third of North Carolina two year olds are not age-appropriately <br />immunized; and <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina's goal is to achieve complete immunization of at least 90 % of <br />all North Carolina children by their second birthday; and <br />WHEREAS, in an effort to increase the immunization rate in Orange County, the <br />Cooperative Extension Service has organized the Orange County Coalition for <br />Immunization, a group comprised of representatives of public and private agencies, civic, <br />community and church groups, and volunteers; and <br />WHEREAS, the mission of the Orange County Coalition for Immunization is to coordinate <br />and promote free immunization clinics through Piedmont Health Services, and Orange <br />County Health Department, by providing financial assistance, outreach, transportation, and <br />educational efforts during National Infant Immunization Week April 19-25, and throughout <br />the month of April; and <br />WHEREAS, the continuing goal of the Orange County Coalition for Immunization is to <br />develop strategies for the year-round promotion of age-appropriate immunizations; and <br />WHEREAS, it is essential to raise public awareness of the importance of age-appropriate <br />immunizations and provide accessibility to immunizations through a collaborative <br />community-based effort. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, We, the ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF CONIlVIISSIONERS, <br />do hereby proclaim April 19-25 as Orange County Infant Immunization Week, this the 7th <br />day of April, 1998. <br />by <br />Margaret Brown, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />