Agenda - 04-08-1998 - 4a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-08-1998
Agenda - 04-08-1998 - 4a
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Last modified
7/19/2010 11:21:10 AM
Creation date
7/19/2010 11:21:07 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980408
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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os <br />~~ <br />"Infill" development of suitable vacant land within the Towns at existing or projected densities, <br />as set forth in the Towns' 1977 Land Use Plans should be encouraged. <br />Staff Comment: Complies. The area covered by the Northwest Small Area Plan (including this <br />area) is within the Town's Urban Services Area as defined in the 1986 Land Use Plan and the <br />1989 Comprehensive Plan. The Urban Services Area is the Town of Chapel Hill's long range <br />planning area that is expected to have urban development, served by public water and sewer <br />facilities. <br />Utili Extensions <br />Principle: The timing of utility extensions and the pace of growth should be coordinated. Water <br />and sewer service should not be extended outside the boundaries of the Joint Planning Area. <br />Staff Comment: Complies. The Northwest Small Area Plan does not include plans to extend <br />water and sewer service outside the Joint Planning Area. <br />Allocation of Growth <br />Principle: Areas where public facilities and services are available should be developed before <br />areas where such services are not yet available. To the maximum extent feasible, no "spillover" <br />growth from the two Towns will occur in Chatham or Durham Counties or in Bingham <br />Township. In other words, all "spillover" development will be absorbed within the boundaries of <br />Chapel Hill Township. The area north of Town is assumed to be most suitable for absorbing <br />"spillover" because of transportation access, the large, efficiently sewerable area below the <br />Morgan Creek-New Hope Creek divide, and existing growth patterns. The "Southern Triangle" <br />area will develop only after all the suitable land south of and between the Duke Forest tracts has <br />been developed. Duke Forest tracts will not be developed over the period 1980-2000. <br />Staff Comment: Complies. The Northwest Small Area Plan which includes this area provides a <br />plan for growth that would occur in areas served or to be served by public facilities and services. <br />The Northwest Study Area does not include any "spillover" growth, and does not include any <br />land located in Chatham or Durham Counties, Bingham Township, or the "Southern Triangle " <br />area. The Northwest Study Area does include the small southeast portion of the Blackwood <br />Division of Duke Forest, which is separated from the main tract and is located south of Eubanks <br />Road and east of Rogers Road. The Northwest Small Area Plan proposes that this portion of <br />Duke Forest remain part of the Rural Buffer. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Planning staffs of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County recommend approval of the <br />proposed amendment, including the other seven parcels in the area described previously. <br />In the Recommended Strategies section of the Chapel Hill Northwest Small Area Plan (page 48), <br />the following language is found: <br />
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