Orange County NC Website
<br />~~~ <br />0 <br />Principle Compliance <br />Open Space Yes <br />University Lake Watershed Not applicable <br />Higher Intensity Uses/Transition Area Yes <br />Rural Areas Not applicable <br />Urban Form Yes <br />Utility Extensions Yes <br />Allocation of Growth Yes <br />Staff comments in italics follow each applicable principle in terms of whether the proposed <br />amendment complies or does not comply with it. <br />Open Space <br />Principle: The existing open space system in Chapel Hill Township, which includes Duke <br />Forest Lands, the UNC buffer around University Lake, the Morgan Creek Wildlife area, and <br />existing agricultural and forest lands, should be protected from intrusion by incompatible land <br />uses. <br />Staff Comment: Complies. Although this area is adjacent or in close proximity to Duke Forest <br />Lands along Eubanks Road and north of Interstate 40, the Small Area Plan does not propose for <br />any land uses to intrude into these areas. The Northwest Small Area Plan does seek to preserve <br />significant stream corridors that drain into these areas, while also identifying additional open <br />space/greenway areas. <br />Higher Intensity Uses /Transition Areas <br />Principle: The more-intensive land uses are most appropriately located within the towns and then <br />within the areas adjacent to the Towns likely to become urban. A transition area should be <br />designated, between existing developed areas and the Rural Buffer, as a target area for new <br />development to occur. <br />Staff Comment: Complies. This area is adjacent to Chapel Hill Transition and is an <br />"island" of Rural Buffer between existing transition areas and Duke Forest lands. More-intensive <br />land use on this property would be consistent with the more urban nature of property to the south <br />and east. <br />Urban Form <br />Principle: A compact form of development should be achieved avoiding urban sprawl. The <br />urbanizing areas of the Towns are the major growth centers in the Township. The "infill" of <br />existing urban areas is the guiding principle upon which the Chapel Hill Township Plan is based. <br />