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03 <br />These seven categories and their compliance with the Northwest Small Area Plan aze further <br />discussed below. <br />Open Space <br />Principle: The existing open space system in Chapel Hill Township, which includes Duke <br />Forest Lands, the UNC buffer around University Lake, the Morgan Creek Wildlife azea, and <br />existing agricultural and forest lands, should be protected from intrusion by incompatible land <br />uses. <br />Staff Comment: Although the Northwest Study Area is adjacent or in close proximity to Duke <br />Forest Lands along Eubanks Road and north of Interstate 40, the Small Area Plan does not <br />propose for any land uses to intrude into these areas. The Northwest Small Area Plan does seek <br />to preserve significant stream corridors that drain into these areas, while also identifying <br />additional open space/greenway areas. <br />University Lake Watershed <br />Principle: University Lake water supply watershed should be developed in a manner which will <br />protect the quality of the water supply. Very low density residential, low intensity commercial <br />and agricultural land uses aze appropriate in this area. The University Lake Watershed Area <br />should be protected for reasons of water quality; developments should occur only at low <br />densities, and water and sewer lines should not be extended into this watershed. <br />Staff Comment: The Northwest Study Area does not include land in the University Lake <br />watershed. Therefore, this principle is not applicable to the Northwest Small Area Plan. <br />Higher Intensity Uses/Transition Areas <br />Principle: The more intensive land uses aze most appropriately located within the towns and <br />then within the azeas adjacent to the Towns likely to become urban. A transition area should be <br />designated, between existing developed areas and the rural buffer, as a target azea for riew <br />development to occur. <br />Staff Comment: The Northwest Study Area falls within an area designated as a "transition <br />area " in the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan. <br />Rural Areas <br />Principle: The rural residential and agricultural character of the Township outside the Towns <br />and adjacent transition azeas should be maintained. Rural lands currently existing between the <br />Chapel HilUCazrboro urban area and Hillsborough (rural buffer) should be preserved. <br />Staff Comment: The Northwest Small Area Plan supports_ the concept that the Rural Buffer <br />should be preserved. The Plan does note however, that there is a small area east of Duke Forest <br />and west of the current landfill, along Eubanks Road, that differs signifrcantly in character from <br />5 <br />