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03~~ <br />Section VII of the Plan ("Overview of Implementation Strategies") is amended on <br />page 91 by adding under the heading "Coordination with other Plans" a second <br />paragraph to read as follows: "Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, <br />the "Northwest Small Area Plan for. Chapel Hill's Northwest Study Area," <br />accepted by the Chapel Hill Town Council on September 11, 1995, is specifically <br />incorporated by reference into this Plan and supersedes any provisions of this Plan <br />that are inconsistent with the Small Area Plan with respect to Chapel Hill's <br />northern Transition Area. <br />Analysis <br />Article 2.2.14 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance states the reasons for which the Orange <br />County Comprehensive Plan may be amended. Since the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan is a <br />part of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan, it is necessary to review those reasons stated in <br />the Orange County Zoning Ordinance for applicability to this request. In particular, the reasons <br />that may be cited from the Orange County Zoning Ordinance for changing the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan are as follows: <br />A) "Because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area of the County." <br />B) "To correct an error or omission in the Comprehensive Plan." <br />~:~ C) "In response to a change in policies, objectives, principles or standards governing the <br />physical development of the County." <br />This amendment is a refinement of the policy expressed in the 1986 Land Use Plan for the Joint <br />Planning Transition Areas, and therefore, is justified in accordance with reason (C). The Chapel <br />Hill Northwest Small Area Plan would supersede existing land use policies for this area and <br />represent a change in policies, objectives, principles and standards governing the physical <br />development of the County. <br />Comaatibility of Amendment with Ezistin~ Joint Planning Area Policy <br />Proposed amendments to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan are evaluated for compatibility <br />with Joint Planning Operating Principles. These policy statements are listed on pages 49-53 of <br />the Plan. The principles are grouped into seven categories. The categories and compliance status <br />of the Northwest Small Area Plan are summarized in the following table: <br />Princi le Com fiance <br />O en S ace Yes <br />Universi Lake Watershed Not a licable <br />Hi er Intensi Uses/Transition Area Yes <br />Rural Areas Not a licable <br />Urban Form Yes <br />Utili Extensions Yes <br />Allocation of Growth Yes <br />4 <br />