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03~ <br />A RESOLUTION AMENDING ` <br />THE JOINT PLANNING AREA LAND USE PLAN AND MAP <br />WHEREAS, Orange County, the Town of Chapel Hill, and the Town of Carrboro entered into a <br />Joint Planning Agreement, dated September 22, 1987, as amended Apri12, 1990; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the Joint Planning Agreement, a Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and <br />Map were adopted on October 13, 1986, byall parties to the Joint Planning Agreement, and have <br />since been amended on several occasions; and <br />WHEREAS, a Small Area Plan that provides a framework for the future use of land within <br />Chapel Hill's northwest transition azea was accepted by the Chapel Hill Town Council on <br />September 11, 1995; and <br />WHEREAS, the Small Area Plan was the product of a two and one-half yeaz planning process <br />that involved numerous public officials, planners, and residents of the affected azea, and included <br />three neighborhood meetings and a Town Council Public Hearing; and <br />WHEREAS, the geographic azea covered by the Small Area Plan includes Chapel Hill's northern <br />Transition Area as identified in the Joint Planning Agreement, which area is also covered by the <br />Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Map; and <br />WHEREAS, implementation of the recommendations contained in the Small Area Plan requires <br />an amendment to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Map; <br />NOW THEREFORE, THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, CHAPEL <br />HILL TOWN COUNCIL AND CARRBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN HEREBY RESOLVE <br />THAT THE JOINT PLANNING LAND USE PLAN AND MAP BE AMENDED AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />Section VII of the Plan ("Overview of Implementation Strategies") is amended on <br />page 91 by adding under the heading "Coordination with other Plans" a second <br />pazagraph to read as follows: "Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, <br />the "Northwest Small Area Plan for Chapel Hill's Northwest Study Area," <br />accepted by the Chapel Hill Town Council on September 11, 1995, is specifically <br />incorporated by reference into this Plan and supersedes any provisions of this Plan <br />that aze inconsistent with the Small Area Plan with respect to Chapel Hill's <br />northern Transition Area. <br />This resolution shall become effective upon adoption by the governing bodies of Orange County, <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br />8 <br />