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r 1 -'~ <br />2. Retain the policy prohibiting extension of water and sewer <br />facilities a.nto the Rural Buffer except in emergency <br />situations. <br />Collins indicated that allowing public water and sewer <br />extensions the potential for increased density is much <br />greater. <br />3. Delete Article 11.7.2 of the Zoning ordinance, Non-Conforming <br />Lots.. <br />The amendment would allow owners of adjacent, undeveloped <br />lots less than two (2) acres in size to develop their lots <br />without combining them to create conforming lots. <br />4. Amend Article 4.2.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, Rural Buffer (RB) <br />Zoning district. <br />The amendment would allow property owners of record in the <br />Rural Buffer to create one lot for each child. such lots <br />would be exempt from RB dimensional requirements, but <br />would conform to the dimensional requirements of the R-1 <br />Residential zoning district. <br />The proposed amendment would add the following paragraph to <br />Article 4.2.1. <br />c) Exempt Lots <br />A lvt created for use for a one-family residence by a <br />child, or spouse of a child, or an owner of property <br />zoned Rural Buffer would be exempt from the dimen- <br />sional requirements of the Rural Buffer zoning <br />district. Such a lot would be created in accordance <br />with the dimensional requirements of the Rural <br />Residential. (R-1) Zoning District. This exemption <br />will apply only if the property owner can establish <br />that he had legal title on or before January 5, 1987 <br />and shall apply to only one such lot for each child of <br />the property owner. <br />5. <br />Collins reminded the Boards of the County Attorney's comments <br />on this recommendation. <br />Developments <br />The amendment would prohibit exempt lots created under <br />Article 4.2.1 of the. Zoning Ordinance from being further <br />reduced in size under the provisions of this Section. <br />Amend Section IV-B-10 of the Subdivision Regulations, Cluster <br />The amendment would consist of the following changes: <br />Renumber paragraphs IV-B-10-C-a/b/c/d to IV-B-10-C-b/c/d/e <br />respectively. <br />Add the new paragraph IV-B-10-C-a <br />a. Exempt lots created in accordance with Article 4.2.1 <br />may not be further reduced in size by application of <br />the provisions of this Section. <br />6. <br />Amend the Zoning Atlas by applying the Public Interest <br />District (PID) Zoning District to applicable lands. <br />