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Staff Analysis Memorandum -JPA 2-98 Page 5 O <br />Compatibility of Amendment with Existin~Joint Planning Area Policy <br />Proposed amendments to the JPA Land Use Plan aze evaluated for compatibility with <br />Joint Planning Operating Principles. These policy statements aze listed on pages 51-53 of <br />the Plan and were originally taken from the Orange County Land Use Plan and the <br />Chapel Hill discussion paper on Land Use Plan Assumptions. The principles aze grouped <br />into seven categories. The categories and compliance status of the Northern Study Area <br />Plan aze presented in the following table: <br />Principle Compliance <br />Open Space Yes <br />University Lake Watershed Not applicable <br />Higher Intensity Uses/Transition Area Yes <br />Rural Areas Yes <br />Urban Form Yes <br />Utility Extensions Yes <br />Allocation of Growth Yes <br />The six applicable principles and their compliance are discussed in further detail below. <br />Open Space <br />Principle: The existing open space system in Chapel Hill Township, which includes <br />Duke Forest Lands, the UNC buffer azound University Lake, the Morgan Creek Wildlife <br />area, and existing agricultural and forest land, should be protected from intrusion from <br />incompatible land uses. (OC) <br />Staff Comment: The NSA Plan identifies Duke Forest Lands as part of the existing open <br />space system. No changes to this system are proposed. The plan identifies additional <br />open space/greenway areas in the Bolin Creek corridor. The plan also alters the <br />permitted density of any tract of land based on the primary and secondary constraints <br />found there, and requires that constrained areas be set aside as either part of the 40 <br />percent open space or as part of the undeveloped portion of private lots. <br />The plan aims to maintain the character and natural beauty of the study area through the <br />preservation of scenic vistas, the adoption of design guidelines, and the conservation of <br />traditional and non-traditional farming activities. <br />Higher Intensity Uses/Transition Area <br />Principle: The more intensive land uses are most appropriately located within the towns <br />and then within the areas adjacent to the town likely to become urban. (OC) <br />A transition area should be designated, between existing developed azeas and the rural <br />buffer, as a target azea for new development to occur: (CI-I) <br />