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ol~ <br />Staff Analysis Memorandum - JPA 2-98 Page 4 <br />1. Section V of the Plan ("Joint Planning Operating Principles") is amended on page <br />59 by deleting the entire first paragraph at the top of the page, which begins with "The <br />portion of the Transition Area...." and includes numbered subparagraphs 1 through 5. <br />(The deleted language divides Carrboro's Transition Area into Transition Area I and <br />Transition Area II and prohibits the density of Transition Area II from exceeding one unit <br />per acre until at least 75% of the area within Transition Area I meets certain <br />developmental thresholds). <br />2. Section VI of the Plan ("Future Land Use -Joint Planning Area") is amended on <br />page 71 by deleting from the first paragraph under the heading "Transition Areas" <br />everything after the first two sentences. (The deleted language references and describes <br />the division of Carrboro's Transition Area into Transition Area I and Transition II as <br />described above). <br />3. Section VII of the Plan ("Overview of Implementation Strategies") is amended on <br />page 91 by adding under the heading "Coordination with other Plans" a second paragraph <br />to read as follows: "Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the "Facilitated <br />Small Area Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area," accepted by the Carrboro Board of <br />Aldermen on August 19, 1997, is specifically incorporated by reference into this Plan and <br />supersedes any provisions of this Plan that are inconsistent with the Small Area Plan with <br />respect to the CJDA Transition Area." <br />Analysis <br />Article 2.2.14 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance specifies the reasons for which <br />the Comprehensive Plan may be amended. As the JPA Land Use Plan is a part of the <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan, it is necessary to review any proposed changes for <br />consistency with the reasons stated there. <br />a) Because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area or areas of the <br />county. Not Applicable. None are cited in the amendment request. <br />b) To correct an error or omission: Not Applicable. None are known. <br />c) In a response to a change in the policies, objectives, principles, or standards <br />governing the physical development of the County. <br />This amendment is a refinement of the policy expressed in the 1986 Joint <br />Planning Land Use Plan for the Transition Areas. The plan attempts to achieve <br />a better balance between the impacts of expected population growth, the <br />orderly extension of public services and facilities and conservation of natural <br />and sensitive areas. The plan has been developed to accommodate development <br />similar to that found in the Town presently in those portions of the study area <br />most suited for it, leaving other areas to be developed at significantly lower <br />densities or left in their present state. <br />