Agenda - 04-08-1998 - 2a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-08-1998
Agenda - 04-08-1998 - 2a
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Last modified
7/19/2010 11:15:49 AM
Creation date
7/19/2010 11:15:47 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980408
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
RES-1998-019a Resolution Amending the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan 04-08-1998-2a
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1998
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014 <br />Staff Analysis Memorandum - JPA 2-98 Page 6 <br />Staff Comment: The Northern Study Area falls within the areas designated as <br />Transition Areas I and II in the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan. The plan does not <br />propose any changes to areas outside of the Transition Areas. <br />Rural Areas <br />Principle: The rural residential and agricultural character of the Township outside the <br />Towns and adjacent transition areas should be maintained. (OC) <br />Rural lands currently existing between the Chapel Hill/Carrboro urban lands and <br />Hillsborough (rural buffer) should be preserved. (CH) <br />Staff Comment: The NSA plan proposes no changes to the Rural Buffer. In addition, <br />the village-style of development that may occur in the floating, conditional use zones will <br />allow conservation of rural areas within the transition areas as density is transferred into <br />the villages, and less dense development occurs in other areas. Performance standards <br />are to be developed for the proposed business/off ce/assembly area to insure that this use <br />does not create undue negative impacts on neighbors. <br />Urban Form <br />Principle: A compact form of development should be achieved avoiding urban sprawl. <br />The urbanizing areas of the Towns are the major growth centers in the Township. The <br />"infill" of existing urban areas is the guiding principle upon which the Chapel Hill <br />Township Plan is based. "Infill" development of suitable vacant land within the Towns at <br />existing or projected densities, as set forth in the Town' 1977 Land Use Plans should be <br />encouraged. (OC) <br />Staff Comment: Village developments are compact, by design. Carrboro has <br />experienced a high level of infill development since 1977. Approximately 75 acres of <br />land within the city limits remain to be developed. <br />Utility Extensions <br />Principle: The timing of utility extensions and the pace of growth should be <br />coordinated. (CH) <br />Water and sewer service should not be extended outside the boundaries of the Joint <br />Planning Area. (CH) <br />Staff Comment: The limits of the study area were determined in part based on the <br />ability of OWASA to serve the area with a gravity flow sewage system, although such <br />provision will necessarily grow over time and will not occur all at once. The town will <br />continue with the current policy of providing other Town services concurrent with the <br />attainment of minimum service level standards. There are no plans to extend water and <br />sewer service outside the Joint Planning Area. <br />
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