Orange County NC Website
~: <br />TARGETS FOR COMPLETION ~~ <br />APRIL 17, 1987 -- A progress report to the Board of <br />Commissioners (presenting preliminary findings and <br />conclusions and telegraphing possible budgetary needs) <br />MAY 4 1987 - A final report to the Board of <br />Commissioners (including proposed changes in budgets, license <br />fees, and ordinances). <br />Director of Health Jerry Robinson expressed his viewpoint that <br />paid staff should not be voting members of the task force. <br />Don Ingraham of the Animal Protection Society endorsed the <br />inclusion in the composition of the APS Executive Director stating that <br />she has the necessary knowledge and background to help the task force <br />develop a workable solution in the stipulated timeframe. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />10. HAZEN AND SAWYER CONTRACT AMENDMENT <br />Ken Thompson explained that a 12" gravity sewer line will need to <br />be rerouted which will necessitate additional survey work for the Efland <br />Sewer project. The cost of engineering will be $2,000. This will <br />increase the Section D cost ceiling from $32,000 to $34,000. It is an <br />eligible cost for federal and state cost participation. Farmers Home has <br />approved the amendment. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hartwell to approve the contract amendment in the amount of $2,000 and <br />authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />11. U.S. OLYMPIC FESTIVAL '87 - LANDSCAPING CONTRIBUTION <br />Marvin Collins explained that local governments have been asked <br />_., to supplement state funding for landscaping improvements at the T-40 <br />interchanges. The Triangle J Regional Image Task Force Subcommittee asks <br />the County to share, with Durham County, the cost of improvements to the <br />I-40/US 15-501 interchange. Orange County's share would be $10,000. <br />NCDOT will maintain the plantings upon installation. No funds have been <br />budgeted for this project. <br />Planning Board Chair Barry Jacobs expressed mixed feelings on <br />endorsing the contribution as requested. The marketing aspects of the <br />beautification efforts for this festival seem to be aimed at making the- <br />Triangle area as attractive a package as possible to the potential <br />300,000 visitors expected to the area. If money is going to be <br />allocated for beautification efforts or preservation of natural <br />resources, there are more pressing needs than attempting to impress <br />visitors that will be in the area far twelve days. <br />Commissioner Willhoit endorsed participation by the County. <br />Commissioner Hartwell indicated there are other specific needs in <br />the County that need to be addressed before money is allocated for <br />beautification purposes. <br />After further comments from the Board members, a motion was made <br />by Chair Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Carey to deny the request for <br />$10,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />12. AIRPORT TASK FORCE CHARGE - TO RECEIVE COMMENTS <br />Ken Thompson explained that the original charge has been revised <br />to include the comments received at the last meeting. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that the charge may be revised as <br /> <br />