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;;~: ,. <br />ordinance and the program itself and make recommendations to the Board of <br />Health. This proposal is for the formation of a task force with a <br />specific charge and timeframe for recommendations that would improve the <br />animal control operations in Orange County. <br />Dr. Anne Gross spoke for the task force. The reason for the , <br />formation of the task force was a concern about the animal control budget <br />and the future of animal control in orange County. The task force has <br />reviewed the effectiveness of the animal control officers, the ordinance, <br />enforcement, dissemination of information, etc. She agreed with the <br />charge and composition of the task force as recommended by the Board of <br />Health. The new task force will continue the work accomplished by the <br />original task force.. <br />Dean Deter from the Cattlemen's Association spoke in favor of the <br />formation of the task force. He expressed concern about the loss of <br />livestock in the County caused by dogs running lose. The present policy <br />will not alleviate this problem. <br />Dr. E. W. Van Stee, Animal Protect~.on Society, endorsed the <br />proposal for creation of the task force-and the inclusion of members from <br />the Animal Protection Society. He suggested that Commissioner Carey also <br />serve on this task force. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the formation of an Animal Control Task <br />Force as stated below: <br />CHI <br />1. Review the current animal control program in Orange County. <br />a. the animal control ordinance and its <br />_ enforcement <br />- ~ b. programs designed to control the animal popu- <br />lation (e.g., spay/neuter, public education) <br />c. incentives for animal control - <br />d. financial support for animal control <br />e. organizational roles and responsibilities for <br />animal control ~' <br />2. Consider current and potential barriers to <br />effective animal control in Orange County <br />3. Project trends in and assess the impacts of animal <br />population growth in Orange County. <br />4. Review program models elsewhere and their potential <br />application to orange County. <br />5. Develop a comprehensive strategy for animal control <br />in Orange County and propose whatever programmatic, <br />financial, and organizational changes are needed to <br />implement that strategy. <br />MEMBERSITYP <br />A11 appointments including the designation of a Chair <br />will be ma de by the Board of Commissioners. <br />1. Two (2) representatives of Board of Health <br />2. Two (Z) representatives of APS <br />3. APS Executive Director <br />4. Two (2) representatives of Cattlemen's Association <br />5. One (1) representative each of Chapel Hill, <br /> Carrboro and Hillsborough <br />6. Three (3) representatives AT LARGE (from County <br /> jurisdiction) <br />7. One (1) County Commissioner <br />Staff support will be provided by Albert Kittrell and Jerry <br />Robinson. - <br />