Minutes - 19870223
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19870223
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Last modified
11/20/2017 10:10:44 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 12:50:10 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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~ 1 ~~ <br />observed in the future . '~ "- <br />There are specific areas which may draw comment from you. One is the <br />Duke Forest area just north of Eubanks Road. There has been some concern <br />that there be adequate buffering around that area. I don't think that the <br />:ommittee has specifically addressed that but T don't see that there would <br />~e any objection to a lower density area around that Duke Forest area <br />indicated on the map. I think there may be some questions as Duke has <br />engaged in lumbering on that area now and what approach should be taken. <br />That could be studied within the context of the decision we are talking <br />about tonight. <br />In addition, there has been some question raised about the area <br />between Rogers Road and Eubanks Road and it is not marked in any dark color <br />on your map. Within that area there is a subdivision called Fox Meadows <br />with lots currently at a one unit per acre density. When the county <br />considered going to a two acre minimum lot size within the rural buffer, a <br />great deal of concern was expressed by the residents. It may be appropriate <br />to comment on whether that area, which is developed at one unit per acre, <br />should be included in the transition area. That is the first issue for <br />discussion tonight. <br />The second question is one that has caused more comment from the <br />community. zt is the concept of where the extraterritorial jurisdiction of <br />the Town of Carrboro should lie. You should know that extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction is a concept established by State statute. For all towns in <br />the State, there can be an area, depending on population size, between one <br />and three m~.les out from their corporate limits which is the area in which <br />urban services might ultimately be provided. There are also statutes <br />specifying certain conditions for such areas to be designated <br />`extraterritorial jurisdiction. <br />_. In .an extraterritorial area the Town would have more autonomy in <br />establishing regulations because the.Town may ultimately serve that area and <br />it would be important that the Town be assured that the roads and services <br />conform to Town standards. A thought here would be more autonomy for the <br />Town in establishing land use regulations in that area, that would also be <br />the case under the transition area concept. In return, the Town would be <br />obliged to provide an opportunity for residents in its extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction to be represented on its planning board. There has also been <br />..some discussion whether the County could be heard during the review or <br />permit applications within this area. That is something that seems to be <br />warranted. <br />You should also understand that the designation of extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction now in effect within the watershed area is not something that <br />was done in recent years. I don't have sufficient information on how this <br />came about but at some time it was thought that this was an appropriate way <br />to designate an area outside the Carrboro Town boundary for possible control <br />in regard to land use regulations. Chapel Hill has an area designated for <br />extraterritorial jurisdiction so agaa~n I would like for you to understand <br />that this is not a new concept. <br />The question tonight for your consideration and discussion is whether <br />the County should trade extraterritorial jurisdiction in an area outside the <br />watershed in order to control what is now Carrboro's extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction. Carrboro feels that it is acting responsibly and is prepared <br />~o continue to do so within the area previously designated as its <br />extraterritorial jurisdiction. As some of you may know, there was a <br />watershed task force that looked into this at length in 1982 and 1983, and <br />
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