Orange County NC Website
CONCLUSIONS <br />19 <br />The survey achieved its intended purpose. Apartment units <br />that have been built in North Carolina urban areas since <br />1990 house significantly fewer persons per unit and fewer <br />children per unit than single - family houses. As long as <br />apartment developers and managers own complexes with <br />predominantly one- or two - bedroom units, they can argue, <br />with confidence, that their complexes are generating fewer <br />persons per unit and children per unit than the same number <br />of recently built, detached single - family houses with three <br />bedrooms or more. <br />Three - bedroom apartment units have demographic impacts that <br />are greater than the impacts of three - bedroom houses. <br />Households in three - bedroom apartments are living at higher <br />densities and are more likely to send children to public <br />schools. <br />This information should be useful to AANC as they discuss <br />the application of impact fees and other forms of <br />development exactions with local and state officials. <br />