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15 <br />primarily due to follow -up telephone calls made by the <br />interviewers and project managers. Of these, 455 surveys <br />were ultimately found to be usable in the analysis. Exhibit <br />2 is the disposition sheet used to track each survey. <br />The completed telephone interviews were checked, and the <br />information was carefully coded in order to stress quality <br />control. The PI also examined every survey for coding <br />errors and double checked questionable entries. Therefore, <br />the information on which the analysis is.based is highly <br />reliable. <br />The data were compiled in a SAS data set and analyzed on a <br />univariate and multivariate basis. The univariate analysis <br />uncovered some questionable values in the data set, and <br />again the original survey information was reviewed and <br />corrected as appropriate to eliminate these discrepancies. <br />Results <br />The variable names and summary statistics are in Exhibit 3. <br />The statistics were run on all variables for convenience <br />although they are not meaningful for some variables such as <br />the first four listed. The first 25 listed variables, <br />through Interviewer Number, come from the compiled surveys. <br />The next eight unlabeled fields convert the residential <br />tenure variables from year -month values to decimal values in <br />years. This conversion is accomplished by dividing "months <br />of residence" by 12 to create a decimal value and then <br />adding this amount to "years of residence." For example, <br />the values for YRSRES and MNTRES are 3.24 years and 2.07 <br />months, respectively. The decimal value, TOTRES, is 3.41 <br />years which equals 3.24 years plus another 2.07/12 years. <br />Approximate monthly rent was assigned to each apartment unit <br />on the basis of its urban -area location and number of <br />bedrooms. Assigning approximate rent level was preferable <br />to asking respondents about rent they paid because survey <br />questions about monetary values always drive down response <br />rates to that question and to others as well. For example, <br />218 owner- occupants indicated the year their residence was <br />built, but only 169 of them indicated its approximate value. <br />The last two variables listed were computed from the data <br />set. The number of adults is the difference between number <br />of persons in the unit and number of children aged 18 or <br />younger. The number of children in pre- school, private or <br />home school is the difference between number of children and <br />the number in public school in one of three grade levels. <br />