Orange County NC Website
3 <br />ORANGE COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION <br />Report of Review of Financial System and Information <br />Financial System Audit and Financial Reporting <br />Orange Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) has an accounting system similar to <br />those used by a number of non -profit corporations. The accounting is done on an accrual <br />basis in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The financial records <br />of the organization are audited annually by an independent CPA firm similar to the audits <br />performed on the County and Towns. There is no indication of problems related to the <br />accounting system or internal control structure of the Corporation. Each year the <br />Corporation has received an "unqualified opinion" from the auditor on the financial <br />records with the exception of 1997. <br />The audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1997 has not been issued. This was <br />discussed with the OCHC Director and the CPA performing the audit. It is the advice of <br />the CPA not to issue the report until liability issues related to the payment of certain <br />creditors have been resolved. A copy of a letter from the CPA is attached. These <br />liabilities are related to the partnership formed between OCHC and the builder of <br />Magnolia Place known as Magnolia Place Partners. (See Impact of Magnolia Place <br />Partnership below.) The liabilities could negatively impact the financial statements of the <br />Corporation. However, negotiations are underway which could significantly reduce the <br />liabilities thus impacting the Corporation's balance sheet favorably. If the audit report <br />were to be issued now, it would contain a "qualified opinion" which means that the <br />financial condition of the Corporation can not be fairly presented because of the <br />uncertainty of the liability issues. <br />Budget and Account Structure <br />The current structure of the OCHC budget commingles all revenue and expenditure <br />sources and uses. The income from the County and the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel <br />Hill, which is provided to help pay the operating costs of the Corporation, are not <br />consistently separated from the income and costs related to special projects. For example, <br />predevelopment costs (architects and engineers) associated with the Meadowmont project <br />are included in the operating budget. These costs will be paid with operating revenues <br />thus draining resources intended for operations. All project revenues and expenditures <br />should be accounted for and budgeted separate from operations. This separation is <br />occurring for some projects in the current budget but not others. If up front costs are <br />required when planning projects, revenue sources to fund these costs should be identified <br />above and beyond the funds provided for operations. Payment of these costs with <br />operating income is one of the reasons the Corporation is experiencing projected <br />shortfalls. <br />