Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Date: 3!9/'98 <br />To: Orange County Commisslone ~ C~ ~,/ <br />From: John B. Smith. Chair "*'~`'' <br />Information Technology "ttee <br />Subject: Rcmeining Items on 97.98 Request w <br />Upgrade County Infortrtatinn Technology Iniraytructuro <br />The Orange County Information 'fcx:hnology Cotnmittce has discussed the items remaining oa dtc FY 97- <br />98 request, originally xubmitted to the cammiasioners in December, 1997, and subsequently updated. Upon <br />corbpletion of the Southern Center upgrade, vre reconvex:nci funding the remaining items on the plan as <br />updatd on 3/9/98. <br />Thls request includes 5126, I96 to complete the upgrade of the county nctwock conna:ting a[l county <br />offices; 5235,294 ro replace 8S da~lctop computers, completing the first phase of the planned life-cycle <br />upgrade policy for these tttachinwt, and to upgrade GIS waver and workstations; and 58,163 to implcmeni a <br />county Web server w improve citizenx' and COmmissioru.~rx' access to county information. These thr~x: <br />catx:gcxies of items wtat 5369,t>S4. <br /> <br />MAR 17 1898 <br />_.- ~~ger <br />